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  • scott@vtx-cpd.com

    Replying to Vicki Cooper 04/10/2023 - 11:46


    Hope you are well. These rounds are not recorded. We want to make sure people feel OK interacting on the call.

    Really sorry!

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Nadine S. 02/10/2023 - 20:59


    Yes, you are totally right!

    This is my mistake. Really sorry.

    I have edited the post.

    Scott 🙂



    Interesting! I agree with Steph regarding our lack of understanding about the exact histopathology in most of these cases.

    Are you finding this in a particular CKD stage?

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Sybil Dryburgh 20/09/2023 - 21:13

    If all else fails… steroids is hardly ever the wrong answer… right?!

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Steph Sorrell 02/10/2023 - 13:00

    I knew I was not going mad!

    Thanks for sharing Steph.

    Scott x


    Replying to Loren S. 19/09/2023 - 20:53

    Hello Loren.

    I agree with your concern about the diaphragm. It was the concern of the referring vets too. I often end up doing CT in these cases if there is any question over what the radiographs are telling us. Once I got the radiography report back I felt confident skipping CT on this occasion. We did indeed carry out bronchoscopy and BAL next!

    The bronchoscopy revealed lots of white/yellow mucus in the airways. We performed a BAL. The cytology was consistent with significant neutrophilic inflammation and no bacteria were seen. Culture was nagative.

    Only problem was… the dog has some antibiotics prior to these investigations.

    My dilemma… lots of things pointing towards an infection but negative culture and persistence of clinical signs despite 5 days of antibiotics.

    Any thoughts on treatment options?

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Idris Vandekinderen 17/09/2023 - 20:02

    Hello Idris!

    This is really rare in cats… hence my excitement! Most cats diagnosed with Cushing’s have concurrent DM. Depending on the study, the majority, if not all. This is a tricky combination as it does mean that cats with concurrent Cushing’s and DM are often insulin resistant and require higher doses on insulin to control DM related clinical signs.

    It was a cool case to see, but they don’t pop up that often!

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Nadia C. 10/09/2023 - 23:06


    We also have a brilliant webinar on feline probiotics if that is of interest!

    Update on probiotics in cats: What is the evidence?

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Nadia C. 10/09/2023 - 23:06

    Hey Nadia.

    It is a great question. I think we are probably only really scraping the surface regarding what we know about probiotics. As with lots of things, the evidence is limited in our small animal patients. There is one paper regarding ProKolin specifically:


    There are a couple of studies looking at FortiFlora:


    I had a funny feeling that our very own Steph did a study in cats with Tritrichomonas foetus and FortiFlora… but I can’t find it. I will get Steph to comment.

    In summary, I think FortiFlora and ProKolin are fine! Both very safe! I just think we don’t have loads of evidence for them specifically.

    Hope that helps.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Hannah N. 02/10/2023 - 10:40

    Hello Hannah!

    Rugby sounds lots more fun than CPD! 🙂

    I hope you had a lovely time. Thank you for joining the course.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Rebecca P. 28/09/2023 - 14:21

    Great points Rebecca.

    We know there is a poorer prognosis with many liner foreign bodies, so I would be scared to leave too! I have seen a few where the thread has become stuck under the tongue. One where I had to go in to theatre mid operation and cut it in the mouth for the surgeon. I had missed it on initial examination.


    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Lesley m. 19/09/2023 - 22:46

    I would love to do the asparagus study!

    If you have a link to any of these discussions it would be great if you could share. They talk about canned asparagus as far as I can remember?! Not something I have ever tried.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Rebecca P. 28/09/2023 - 12:48

    Hello Becca!

    Never late, I would say just on time! 🙂

    Change is scare, I can relate with that! I really hope the course if helpful.

    Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Siriol B. 15/09/2023 - 10:29

    Any thoughts on next steps?

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Siriol B. 15/09/2023 - 10:29

    Here is the full radiography report:

    There are no skeletal abnormalities

    There is a an alveolar pattern with air bronchograms affecting predominently the right middle lung lobe. The other lung lobes are unremarkable.
    The cardiac silhouette is within normal limits. There are no abnormalities in the cranial mediastinum, the oesophagus is mildly dilated with air on the left lateral view. The diaphragmatic line is clear on the right lateral view but obscured on the left lateral view.

    There is moderate ingesta and a small structure of bone opacity in the stomach. There is mild gas in the colon as expected. The remaining abdominal organs are unremarkable

    DDx aspiration pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, haemorrhage, less likely oedema, torsion or neoplastic infiltrate

Viewing 15 posts - 676 through 690 (of 2,017 total)