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  • scott@vtx-cpd.com

    Replying to Kerry Doolin 17/02/2022 - 13:05

    Really interesting!

    Have you ever used it as soaked swabs up the nose?!

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Neus E. 18/02/2022 - 09:04

    Hello everyone.

    It really was an excellent presentation Neus!

    I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s thoughts on this case!

    Scott x


    Replying to Daphna S. 21/02/2022 - 09:16

    Great news!

    Let me know if you have any other problems.

    Have a lovely week.

    Scott 🙂



    I hope you are safe and well. CRP is really interesting and definitely has growing use in small animal practice.

    CRP is an acute-phase protein that is associated with inflammation/infection.

    Acute-phase proteins (APP) are sensitive markers that change their concentration as a reaction to a systemic inflammatory process and are known to increase in response to infectious diseases, immune-mediated diseases, neoplasia, and surgery. This is one of the biggest issues with APP, they are non-specific. APPs react more rapidly and with a shorter half-life period than classic markers of inflammation. C-reactive protein (CRP) is an important major APP in dogs, which increases within the first 8-24 h after an inflammatory stimulus and reaches up to 100-fold of the baseline levels. This wide range permits a more detailed evaluation of an inflammatory process than leukocyte counts. The CRP range of healthy dogs is below ~ 10–20 mg/l CRP. Canine CRP value increases of up to > 900 mg/l are reported in extremely rare cases. Different cut-off values have been discussed as medical decision limits for human and canine CRP. While there is no general definition, which medical decision limits should be utilized to classify an inflammation as low grade or moderate, there is consent that CRP values above 100 mg/l indicate a high-grade inflammation.

    For humans, some inflammatory disease etiologies have proven to present with extremely increased CRP values more often than others. Another critical point in a patient with severe inflammation of unknown origin is the question as to whether antibiotic treatment is required. Although acute-phase-proteins are relatively unspecific markers of different types of inflammation in human as well as in veterinary medicine, extremely high CRP concentrations > 100 mg/L in association with specific symptom complexes (e.g. signs of pneumonia or signs of meningitis) are indicative of bacterial inflammation and thus a decision criterion for antibiotic treatment in human medicine. In dogs, the use of decision limits for CRP concentrations to recognize potential bacterial aetiology have been rarely investigated.

    Immune-mediated disease is definitely when I use it the most. Clinical signs often guide us, but it is a useful marker to measure, especially when we start to wean the steroid dose.

    The main thing is that it is really non-specific. There are a couple of interesting papers that also suggest it may be useful in the management of respiratory disease:

    The Utility of Acute-Phase Proteins in the Assessment of Treatment Response in Dogs With Bacterial Pneumonia

    Background: Acute-phase proteins (APPs) are sensitive markers of inflammation, and serum C-reactive protein (CRP) recently has been shown to be a useful diagnostic marker in dogs with bacterial pneumonia (BP). In humans with community-acquired pneumonia, APPs also have great utility as follow-up markers aiding in the assessment of treatment response.

    Objectives: The aim of our study was to investigate the applicability of APPs as markers of treatment response in dogs with BP.

    Animals: Nineteen dogs diagnosed with BP and 64 healthy dogs.

    Methods: The study was conducted as a prospective longitudinal observational study. Serum CRP, serum amyloid A (SAA), and haptoglobin concentrations were followed during a natural course of BP. Normalization of serum CRP was used to guide the duration of antibiotic treatment (treatment was stopped 5-7 days after CRP normalized) in 8 of 17 dogs surviving to discharge; 9 of 17 dogs were treated according to conventional recommendations.

    Results: All measured APPs initially were significantly increased, but the magnitude of increase was not correlated to disease severity. C-reactive protein and SAA concentrations decreased rapidly after initiation of antimicrobial treatment. When normalization of serum CRP was used to guide the duration of antibiotic treatment, treatment duration was significantly (P = .015) decreased without increasing the number of relapses.

    Conclusions and clinical importance: Serum CRP and SAA reflected the recovery process well and therefore may be used as markers of treatment response. According to the results, the normalization of serum CRP may be used to guide the duration of antibiotic treatment in dogs with BP.

    Serum C-reactive protein as a diagnostic biomarker in dogs with bacterial respiratory diseases

    Background: C-reactive protein (CRP) is a major acute-phase protein in dogs. Serum concentrations are low in healthy animals, but increase rapidly after inflammatory stimuli.

    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate CRP concentrations in various respiratory diseases of dogs and to determine if CRP can be used as a biomarker in the diagnosis of bacterial respiratory diseases.

    Animals: A total of 106 privately owned dogs with respiratory diseases (17 with bacterial tracheobronchitis [BTB], 20 with chronic bronchitis [CB], 20 with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy [EBP], 12 with canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [CIPF], 15 with cardiogenic pulmonary edema [CPE], and 22 with bacterial pneumonia [BP]) and 72 healthy controls.

    Methods: The study was conducted as a prospective cross-sectional observational study. CRP was measured in serum samples. Diagnosis was confirmed by clinical and laboratory findings, diagnostic imaging, and selected diagnostic methods such as cytological and microbiological analysis of respiratory samples, echocardiography, and histopathology.

    Results: Dogs with BP had significantly higher CRP concentrations (median, 121 mg/L; interquartile range, 68-178 mg/L) than dogs with BTB (23, 15-38, P = .0003), CB (13, 8-14, P < .0001), EBP (5, 5-15, P < .0001), CIPF (17, 10-20, P < .0001), or CPE (19, 13-32, P < .0001) and healthy controls (14, 8-20, P < .0001). Dogs with BTB had significantly higher CRP concentrations than dogs with CB (P = .001) or EBP (P < .0001) and healthy controls (P = .029). Conclusion and clinical importance: These results indicate that CRP has potential for use as an additional biomarker, especially in the diagnostics of BP. Hope that helps. Scott


    Replying to Simon Patchett 17/02/2022 - 09:56


    I have had another really good look and not able to find anything literature wise. I am not able to find anything in abstracts either. The use has been heavily extrapolated. It was initially suggested on VIN I think. There is a paper looking at maropitant and bronchitis in dogs:


    These rhinitis cats will often end up on a lot of medication and are often very refractory to treatment, so I would consider the maropitant in these cases. I think maropitant is generally a very safe drug, which probably makes me more inclined to use it.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Anne W. 13/02/2022 - 18:00

    I have a reply from the amazing Laura herself!

    ”We do a finger-trap suture.

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=leDG9SxjuaI) just next to the nostril, then a single suture on the side of the face to keep the tube out of the way of the eyes. Alternatively, you could place butterfly tape strips and suture those but I prefer the finger trap sutures, they’re generally a bit quicker and you don’t need to go through the skin as many times.”

    What are others experience of securing techniques?

    Scott 🙂


    It has been so lovely to hear from everyone!

    Massive welcome again! Remember you can add a picture to your profile so we can see all of your lovely faces too!

    Hope everyone is having a lovely week and enjoying the course!

    Scott 🙂



    I hope you are safe and well. I am really sorry about this.

    I will get Andy to have a look at it and get back to you ASAP.

    Scott 🙂


    This is super interesting!

    What samples did you end up sending?

    Scott x


    Hello everyone.

    My name is Scott. I am one of the founders of vtx and a European and RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine. I am so excited that we have Neus and Kerry delivering the course ad I can get a chance to watch and learn rather than being the one behind the webinar!

    I will be here on the discussion forum to help where I can. Make sure to use the discussion forum. Feel free to share any interesting cases too.

    Thank you all again for your support and I hope you enjoy the course.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Emma Shepherd 03/02/2022 - 17:31

    Totally agree Emma.

    These cases definitely cause a lot of panic. For me I think we need to remember that these is a lot we can be doing before getting to the point of surgery to stabilise these patients.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Lucie T. 04/02/2022 - 09:52

    No problem!

    Have you had the opportunity to try any of these techniques out?

    Let me know if there were any particular procedures you were interested in and I can see if we can find some videos for you.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Hannah Sivills 01/02/2022 - 09:04


    Lovely to hear from you! I hope you are safe and well.

    I think it is a great idea to get this drug in… it is a game changer. You need to get it on special import:


    We get it through these guys, once you have an account set up it should be quite easy!

    Let me know how you get on.

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Sybil Dryburgh 24/01/2022 - 22:46

    This is literally my new favourite thing to do!!!!

    I was so surprised to see how widely it is used as the standard of care in human medicine!

    Scott 🙂


    Replying to Sybil Dryburgh 24/01/2022 - 22:55

    I thought it was interesting…

    However, since I posted it, it has all kicked off in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine! Something I do not say often. I have popped below a letter that was written to the journal in response to the article:


    Letter regarding “A novel bone marrow-sparing treatment for primary erythrocytosis in a cat: Onion powder”
    Food for thought instead of onion powder as a treatment for erythrocytosis in cats

    Urs Giger,Mary M. Christopher

    First published: 22 October 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/jvim.16301

    Dear Editors,

    The precise diagnosis of erythrocytosis/polycythemia can be challenging, and its management depends on the specific cause and severity.1-5 In a recent case report by Vasilatis et al in Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,6 a cat with erythrocytosis, claimed to have polycythemia vera (PV), was treated with dietary onion powder, as an oxidative hemolytic agent, for 15 months. The authors’ reasoning was that it was a difficult patient to phlebotomize, and chemotherapy was not an option. We would like to comment regarding this case and the presumed effectiveness and safety of onion powder, and to express our sincere concern and caution toward recommending an oxidative hemolytic agent as treatment of any erythrocytosis.

    Polycythemia vera is a now well-defined myeloproliferative disease in humans,5 but has never conclusively been diagnosed in cats; no acquired JAK2 mutations have been reported in cats.3, 4 It should be noted that cytologic and histologic examination of bone marrow is not helpful to differentiate polycythemias; all exhibit erythroid hyperplasia. One of us has had several cats with chronic persistent (up to 10 years) or transient (un-)explained erythrocytosis, and found some to have secondary causes.1-3 However, we have never definitely diagnosed PV in cats, and have never seen any domestic animal with erythrocytosis develop thrombocytosis, myelofibrosis, or leukemic blast crisis as typically seen in human patients with PV.

    Regarding this case report,6 no prior CBC results were available, leaving the actual onset of erythrocytosis unknown, and clinicopathological information provided was sparse. Renal changes were noted on initial presentation, which were dismissed, but may be responsible for excessive erythropoietin production and secondary erythrocytosis (no renal follow-up was reported). It also appears the massive erythrocytosis in the cat6 resolved within 5 to 15 months, suggesting a secondary cause rather than the presumed PV, which is generally persistent and progressive. Moreover, the reticulocyte count of the cat was never increased,6 indicating normal rather than increased erythroid production. While no obvious dehydration was observed, total protein concentrations and urinalyses were not reported, and thus a relative erythrocytosis may not have been excluded.

    Hematocrits >48% are abnormal in any cat and not just >65% as stated in the report’s introduction.4, 5 This is one of the reasons erythrocytosis is frequently overlooked in cats until late in the course of disease.1-3 One phlebotomy followed by immediate hospital discharge and a scheduled reexamination only after 2 weeks for a seizuring cat with a hematocrit (HCT) of 73% on presentation, as reported in this case,6 may be considered clinically insufficient. Frequent daily phlebotomies and supportive care are typically required early on to reduce very high HCTs to near-normal ranges and alleviate the neurologic complications.1-4

    For any cat with symptomatic or severe erythrocytosis, regular phlebotomies with sedation and skilled assistance every 2 weeks to 2 months are well tolerated similar to any blood collection from healthy feline blood donors.1-4 Repeated phlebotomies frequently control erythrocytosis, work immediately, are generally safe, and require only PCV and total protein concentration for monitoring (no adverse drug-induced cytopenias or, as in this case,6 feared excessive intravascular hemolysis and oxidative tissue damage). Phlebotomy is desirable to reduce the HCT and resolve clinical signs before considering and initiating any other treatment. Periodic phlebotomies eventually induce iron deficiency (potentially associated with microcytosis and reactive thrombocytosis), slow the regenerative erythroid response, and thereby prolong the necessary phlebotomy interval to control the HCT. We have not had much luck with medicinal leeches in cats, but blaming leeches for causing seizures, as stated in their case report,6 is far-fetched.

    Onions (Allium cepa), the second most frequently consumed vegetable by humans worldwide, have been recognized since ancient times for medicinal properties, for example, against cancer and thrombosis, but have never before been proposed as a treatment for PV or for that matter any other diseases. In fact, onions, besides causing teary eyes when chopped, also contain toxic compounds such as allyl and propyl sulfides, which cause hemolysis and oxidative tissue damage in susceptible animals.7, 8 Cats are particularly prone to toxicity characterized by Heinz body anemia, because of their unique hemoglobin structure and limited drug metabolism, but cats fortunately do not fancy eating onions.

    Absolutely no increase in Heinz bodies while supplemented with onion powder was documented in the cat of their report,6 and only rare (<1%) Heinz bodies were observed throughout the entire 15-month period. This is inconsistent with the claim that oxidative hemolysis was induced by onion powder. The authors of the case report6 were dosing onion power at the lowest dose the owner could dispense with food (which sounds archaic compared to the practice of compounding) and estimated that 1.2% dietary onion powder was administered, although the actual amount may have been lower. Experimentally, as little as 0.3% onion powder caused 5% Heinz bodies, and 1.5% to 2.5% onion powder caused 25% to 35% Heinz bodies.8 Because onion powder causes a strong linear, dose-dependent Heinz body response, 1.2% onion powder would have been expected to cause approximately 15% Heinz bodies within 2 weeks. Without an increase in Heinz bodies, there is no evidence to support any effect of the onion powder on erythrocytes. Furthermore, no reticulocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia, and other evidence of hemolysis was observed at any time point, despite a nearly 20% decrease in HCT within 10 days of treatment. The authors of the case report6 suggest there was intravascular hemolysis, but dietary onion-containing supplements produce a slower oxidative process causing Heinz body anemia primarily by erythrophagocytosis rather than intravascular hemolysis, which, if sufficient to reduce the HCT, would be expected to cause visibly hemolyzed plasma, increased mean cell hemoglobin and mean cell hemoglobin concentration, hemoglobinuria, and reticulocytosis. Thus, the dose of onion administered was (luckily) likely too small to cause hemolysis. Since the HCT normalized, it is likely the onion supplementation could have been stopped. Additional follow-up evaluation after ceasing onion powder supplementation might have been revealing.

    It should be noted that high doses of onions, whether given experimentally or inadvertently, can cause acute intravascular hemolysis in susceptible animals, but fortunately, cats appear resistant to hemoglobin-induced nephropathies. Oxidative cell damage beyond the well-defined hemolytic effects of onions is more difficult to assess, but could be harmful due to cats' limited metabolism and when exposed long term, as proposed in this case report.6

    “Dark pink” mucous membranes are hard to visualize but may indicate methemoglobinemia, which was not measured in this case as a cause. While ingestion of onion powder by cats has been associated with only a slight increase in methemoglobin concentration (<1%),8 hereditary (congenital) methemoglobinemia, typically caused by methemoglobin cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency, has been frequently overlooked in companion animals. In contrast, cherry red mucous membranes may indicate carbon monoxide intoxication and occasionally can be chronic.

    In conclusion, besides PV, other primary or secondary causes may have led to erythrocytosis in the cat of their report.6 While onions can cause hemolysis with Heinz bodies, they were not observed in this case.6 Thus, the onion dose administered was likely too low, and the cat recovered on its own. While onions are an integral part of the diets of humans, they can be toxic to companion animals and livestock and are not a treatment. We hope we provided some food for thought to not recommend and not to use onion supplementation as treatment for PV, for erythrocytosis of any cause, or frankly, for any illness in any species.


    Chen Gilor, Demitria Vasilatis, Jennifer McGill
    Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
    A novel bone marrow‐sparing treatment for primary erythrocytosis in a cat: Onion powder

    Demitria M. Vasilatis, Jennifer E. McGill, Chen Gilor
    Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
    Primary erythrocytosis in the cat: Treatment with hydroxyurea

    A. D. J. Watson, A. S. Moore, S. C. Helfand
    Journal of Small Animal Practice

    Jane M. Turrel DVM, MS, Roy R. Pool DVM, PhD
    Veterinary Radiology
    Advances in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in dogs

    Harry Cridge, David C. Twedt, Angela J. Marolf, Leslie C. Sharkey, Jörg M. Steiner

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