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Episode 6 – A Global One Health Vision… From Troon to Thailand


In this week’s podcast episode we spoke to Inga about her amazing career and how she has come to be one of the founders of The One Health Foundation… we also have a chat about blocked cats… obviously!


Inga is a veterinary surgeon and an animal lover at heart and she is passionate about animal welfare and conservation of the world’s habitats and species and believes that we all have a role to play and the ability to make a difference. She believes that education is key to making a long term sustainable impact to animal welfare and health in developing countries.

Episode 5 – Are you an imposter?


This week’s podcast episode is a bit of a special one. Scott and Karen take some time away from the clinic to have a chat with Katie Ford about some of the challenges that the veterinary profession has when it comes to our mental health.


Katie Ford is a veterinary surgeon and mind-set coach that now works with professionals across the country to discover themselves and their potential. She trained in broadband consciousness, and has been coached for three years by Bob Proctor’s number one consultant. She is a gratitude and empathy enthusiast, regularly spreading her positive message via social media platforms and speaking events. For more information about Katie and what she does: (there’s a free ebook on Imposter Syndrome on the website)

Episode 4 – From Corona virus to cancer… What’s new with lymphoma?


In this week’s podcast episode we will be chatting a bit more about cancer and Corona virus. This week Scott is joined by small animal oncology specialist and good friend Spela Bavcar. Spela started her veterinary career in Slovenia and made it all the way to Edinburgh with a stop off in a few other countries along the way. Scott and Spela will be having a chat about their friendship as well as some of the challenges of treating lymphoma in dogs and cats… particularly during the Corona virus pandemic.


We also introduce the next edition of ‘Desert Island Drugs’. The question is… if you were stranded on a desert island and could only choose to take one drug for the treatment of lymphoma in dogs and cats… which would you choose?

Episode 3 – What was your first impression?… From boring to best friends


In this week’s podcast episode we will be chatting a bit more about first impressions. vtx was founded in 2019 by RCVS and EBVS Veterinary Specialists Scott Kilpatrick and Liz Bode. Scott and Liz will be having a good old chat this week covering Liz’s amazing career and talking about how important friendships are within the veterinary profession. Liz started her veterinary career in Liverpool and made it all the way back home after her internship in Cambridge, PhD in Manchester and residency in Edinburgh!


We would like to introduce the next edition of ‘Desert Island Drugs’! The question is… if you were stranded on a desert island and could only choose to take one drug for the treatment of heart failure in dogs and cats… which would you choose?

Episode 2 – What is giving you an ulcer?… from omeprazole to aortic thromboembolism


In this week’s podcast episode we are chatting a bit more about veterinary life in lockdown. Scott will be talking more about gastroprotectant medications in dogs and cats. Similar to the situation in human medicine, practice of inappropriate prescription of acid suppressants is also commonplace in veterinary medicine. We challenge the dogma and clinical practice of administering gastroprotectants for the routine management of many conditions and discuss some of the negative effects of giving omeprazole.


We will also be bringing you the second edition of ‘Desert Island Drugs’ where Liz and Scott will be discussing drug choices for the management of aortic thromboembolism in cats.

Episode 1 – What is giving you low blood sugar?… from Coronavirus to feline diabetes


Our first CPD podcast episode!


We introduce ourselves and tell you a little bit about what vtx is all about. This week we are chatting about how Coronavirus is effecting us all in the veterinary profession and some of the impact it is having on us both emotionally and physically. Scott will be diving in to some of the details of the management of feline diabetes. We are focusing on insulin choices, particularly if certain insulins are in shortage (PZI, Protamine Zinc).


We will also be bringing you the first edition of ‘Desert Island Drugs’ where we will be discussing choices for gastroprotectant medications in dogs and cats.

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