Episode 29 – The Human Factor
In this week’s podcast episode we are so excited to be chatting to the amazing Lou Northway (Lou The Vet Nurse). Lou qualified as an RVN in 2009 and has worked in various first opinion practices and a referral hospital. She is now the Quality Improvement Clinical Lead (RVN) with RCVS Knowledge. Since qualifying, she has undertaken two further certificates in anaesthesia and ECC. She is currently Clinical Nurse Lead at a busy first opinion practice in Buckinghamshire. In 2019, she was awarded the RCVS Inspiration Award for her ability to inspire and enthuse others and was also awarded as an RCVS Knowledge Champion for two consecutive years for her clinical audits undertaken in practice. We talk to Lou about everything from being a mother to leaving your ego at the door! (www.louthevetnurse.com, Instagram @Louthevetnurse, www.facebook.com/Louthevetnurse).
For our clinical CPD segment today; Jon Hall is back for our chat about the medical and surgical management of the haemoabdomen. Jon is a Professor in small animal surgery at the University of Nottingham and Head of Soft Tissue Surgery at Wear Referrals.
Today’s podcast is kindly sponsored by Veterinary Instrumentation, a global Animal Health care organisation, which has proudly served the industry for over three decades.
Episode 28 – Breaking the silence
In this week’s podcast episode we have been chatting to Nat Scroggie and Liz Bode. Nat and Liz share their experiences of baby loss, as well as pregnancy after loss and live birth. Nat and Liz are truly some of the most inspiring, honest people and it was a true honour to share this conversation with them. Nat graduated from Nottingham Vet School in 2016 and has already led a varied career, combining small animal clinical work with a passion for supporting the wellbeing of her colleagues. She has always sought to share honestly the highs and lows of life in practice, in the hope that we can start to break the silence on difficult subjects, from mental health to baby loss. Her blog This Vet Runs has inspired veterinary professionals across the country to get more active. Nat co-founded the Vet MINDS group in 2018 to support fellow veterinary professionals facing baby loss and infertility.
This Vet Runs – Marathon running veterinary surgeon breaking the silence around pregnancy loss
For anyone that needs further support on any of the topics covered in this podcast please visit:
Episode 27 – Family, Friendship and Fish & Chips
In this week’s podcast episode we had the privilege of chatting to Jon about not only being a vet, but growing up in the profession. We chat about love, life and loss. Jon is the son of a Wigan vet and spent several years working in small animal general practice after graduating in 2004. He became an ECVS specialist in small animal surgery in 2015 and has worked at the RVC, the University of Cambridge and University of Edinburgh. He is a Professor in small animal surgery at the University of Nottingham, a Fellow of the Royal College and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He loves a good bit of surgery and being in a lucky position to help out colleagues with their surgical conundrums and through teaching.
In our clinical CPD segment we round off our dermatology month with a chat with Jonny from Zoetis. This week we are chatting about some of the drug options that are available for treating atopic dermatitis… so much more than just steroids!
For a range of Dermatology CPD, visit the Learning Academy https://learn-uk.zoetis.com
For any questions around Zoetis products, contact customersupportUK@zoetis.com
Episode 26 – An Ordinary Vet Doing Extraordinary Things
In this week’s podcast episodes we are honoured to be joined this week by Niall Connell, RCVS Senior Vice President and previous RCVS President. Niall qualified from Glasgow Vet School in 1982 and started in mixed, mainly small animal practice in Fife before joining PDSA in 1984. Niall took ill health retirement because of MS in December 2009. He now does some work as a Clinical & Professional Skills Instructor at Glasgow Vet School. We chat about his amazing career as well as some of the challenges that life throws in the way.
RCVS Diversity and Inclusion Group Strategy – Professionals
New Working Group on BAME veterinary student support holds first meeting – Professionals
VetGDP – overview of changes – Professionals
We are so pleased to be joined by Sophie (Zoetis) again in our clinical CPD segment as part of our dermatology take over month. This week we are chatting all things communication, with a particular focus on the dermatology consultation.
For a range of Dermatology CPD, visit the Learning Academy https://learn-uk.zoetis.com
For any questions around Zoetis products, contact customersupportUK@zoetis.com
Episode 25 – Taking control… From Boundaries to Bartonella
In this week’s podcast episode we are joined by Veronica and Louise and talk all things wellness to parasite control! Veronika graduated in 2013, then moved to Madagascar for 5 years where she worked as an ambulatory equine vet, a lecturer at the University of Antananarivo and the Political Counsellor at the British Embassy. She’s been in first opinion small animal practice since returning to the UK in 2017, is two thirds through a masters in Conservation Medicine and has a four year old daughter. Having overcome depression and anxiety herself and as a Mental Health First Aider, she set up the Mentavet instagram platform to foster awareness of mental health challenges in our profession and to create and share resources for veterinary staff to improve their job satisfaction, wellbeing and contentment.
https://www.vetlife.org.uk 0303 040 2551
In our clinical CPD segment we are so pleased to be joined by Louise Longstaff from Zoetis. We chat all things parasite control as part of our dermatology takeover.
For a range of Dermatology CPD, visit the Learning Academy https://learn-uk.zoetis.com
For any questions around Zoetis products, contact customersupportUK@zoetis.com
Episode 24 – Ready, Steady, Scrape
In this week’s podcast episode we are thrilled to bring you the first episode as part of our dermatology takeover month which has been kindly suppported by Zoetis. We are excited to be joined by Tori Robinson and Sophie Duguid. Tori is a recognised specialist in veterinary dermatology and works at the Dermatology Referral Service in Glasgow. Sophie is an experienced small animal vet and one of the Zoetis Veterinary Consultant team.
In this week’s clinical CPD segment we chat about the work up of the pruritic patient. We discuss dusting off that microscope and getting the most out of skin cytology. Dermatology cases are some of the most common you will see in practice, but the time pressures that we are under make the investigation of these cases challenging. We share top tips on making it work in real life! We also chat about our real life experience… from batch cooks to cups of tea.
For a range of Dermatology CPD, visit the Learning Academy https://learn-uk.zoetis.com
For any questions around Zoetis products, contact customersupportUK@zoetis.com
Episode 23 – A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
In this week’s episode we had a wonderful chat with Naomi Mellor this week. Naomi is an equine vet, podcaster and entrepreneur. Having qualified from Edinburgh University in 2007, she now works part time for the British Horseracing Authority at racecourses throughout the south of England, and is the host and producer of three podcasts – Borborygmi: Noises From The Veterinary World, The Veterinary Woman Podcast, and her own show, Smashing The Ceiling, which showcases the lives of women with unusual, interesting and inspiring careers.
Naomi also recently founded The Skylark Collective, a global community for women in podcasting, and later this year is organising the first international awards ceremony for female-led podcasts, to be held in London. She is a passionate advocate for raising the voices of women in both the podcasting and veterinary spheres, and loves to mentor young people in the early stages of their career.
Instagram – @naomi_the_vet and @theskylarkcollective
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomi-mellor-171550150/
Website – www.skylarkcollective.co.uk
Episode 22 – Taking things two weeks at a time
In this week’s podcast episode we had the great pleasure of talking to Laura Kidd. We cover everything from teaching during COVID, believing in yourself and carpeting the stairs! Join Scott and Liz in our clinical feature to chat about the emergency management of hypercalcaemia in dogs and cats. Laura graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1988 and worked for five years in a small animal practice in Edinburgh. Laura now spends her time teaching vet and vet nurse students as well as being the Clinical Development Adviser for The Certificate of Veterinary Nursing Emergency and Critical Care (CertVNECC), a postgraduate qualification for veterinary nurses.
Episode 21 – Dogs on the street, rubbing my feet and skipping a beat
This week we are pleased to be joined by Michael Lazaris. Michael works as a small animal vet, currently locuming in London. He previously worked for the RSPCA, and talks about his experience of the hospital that he worked at closing permanently during the pandemic. Alongside his clinical work, Michael runs a heart-warming vet account on Instagram (@drlazaris_vet), showcasing the perks of being a vet, as well as running The Young Vet Programme for InvestIN, guiding young students through their vet career journey. In our clinical chat this week Liz and Scott discuss some of the most common arrythmias seen in our small animal patients (particularly in the ICU) and how to spot and manage them.
Please show Michael some support on Instagram @drlazaris_vet
Episode 20 – Childhood Dreams, Comedy Clubs and Cats With Clots
In this week’s podcast episode we are excited to be joined this week by Judy, chatting about everything from childhood dreams to realistic career expectations. Judy Puddifoot has been a first opinion small animal vet for 6 years since graduating from the Royal Veterinary College in 2014 aged 37. She is passionate about raising clinical standards and improving animal welfare. She has also presented TV shows, enjoys writing articles and guesting on podcasts. Judy can be found on Twitter and Instagram as @JudyTheVet. Her Facebook page can be found here https://www.facebook.com/judythevet/
In our clinical CPD segment Scott and Liz chat about the management of aortic thromboembolism in cats. This is a really challenging and devastating condition. Have treatment options changed and is there really anything we can do?
Episode 19 – Nutrition… how Paleo are you?
In this week’s podcast episode we are really pleased to be joined by Michael (Vet Affairs Manager, United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland Hill’s Pet Nutrition Ltd). This was a great opportunity to chat about the role pet nutrition plays in practice today – touching on some of the trends and difficulties we come face as vets and nurses on a daily basis. Ultimately as members of the vet healthcare team we face ever increasing time pressures, so where does nutrition fit in the order of priorities?
With increasing emphasis being placed on preventative healthcare and an increase in nutrition linked diseases such as obesity, nutrition is increasingly being pushed into the pet owners line of sight. So who is best placed to discuss nutrition and to make an appropriate recommendation? Dr Google, the breeder, the groomer or the Vet Healthcare Team?
Episode 18 – Katie, Cobalamin and Christmas
In this week’s podcast episode we are so excited to welcome back Katie Ford for our Christmas podcast! We look back on the crazy year we have had and reflect on some of the great podcast chats we have had. Katie also takes some surprise questions from podcast listeners.
In our clinical CPD segment we were also lucky enough to chat with Gemma about the wonders of cobalamin in small animal practice. It really is the vitamin that keeps on giving! Merry Christmas everyone!
Check out Protexin at Protexin Veterinary | Vet Area – Protexin Vet
Episode 17 – In a world where you can be anything, be kind
In this week’s podcast episode we are so privileged to be joined by Rosie Allister. Rosie has received the BVA Chiron Award and RCVS Impact Award for work on veterinary mental health. Her PhD researched mental health, support, and identity and how they affect veterinary wellbeing and mental health. She has substantial experience in applied suicide prevention, support, and evidence-based solutions. She combines technical and academic knowledge with a practical background in veterinary practice and in supporting veterinary professionals. Rosie manages Vetlife Helpline and volunteers with All4Paws veterinary clinic and Samaritans.
Vetlife Helpline is available 24 hours a day to provide confidential support to the veterinary community. Call 0303 040 2551 or email via www.vetlife.org.uk
Episode 16 – Kitchen Floor Moments
In this week’s podcast episode we are joined by Lacey Pitcher. Born in South Wales in a small valleys town she decided to swap paths from law and followed her passion to become a veterinary nurse. Lacey has enjoyed a diverse career and has learnt to embrace the bumps in the road along the way. She currently works as a locum RVN throughout the UK. Lacey is passionate about wellness, nurse training, brachycephalic education and veterinary culture. Lacey founded veterinary pay it forward in 2018. If you only do one thing this week then check out her Facebook page and pay it forward!
Episode 15 – It started with a sticker
In this week’s podcast episode we chat to Anna about her career as a vet and her amazing campaign ‘Vet Your Breasts’. It was one of those typical Fridays in the lead up to Christmas with a 4pm emergency and a late discharge. Anna just managed to get to the pool for a swim before it closed. That’s when she saw a breast cancer awareness poster in the changing room. She felt a lump in her left boob and 2 months later she was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33 and life turned upside-down. If you only do one thing today ‘Vet Your Breasts’.
website: www.vetyourbreasts.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vet-Your-Breasts-108626200807292
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vetyourbreasts/
Episode 14 – Pondering Pain and Paracetamol
In this week’s podcast episode of the veterinary thought exchange podcast, we spoke to Matt about his career and how he became one of the co-founders of The Zero Pain Philosophy… we also have a chat about analgesia and all things anaesthesia, looking at the evidence behind the use of paracetamol in dogs.
Matt is an internationally respected British anaesthetist. A specialist in anaesthesia and analgesia, Matt trained at the University of Liverpool and now works at Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists in the UK. Matt is passionate about pain management, lectures on the subject globally and is the author of many international anaesthesia publications. Matt is President of the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia.
Episode 13 – What Vetbytes? Bronwen, Brighton and Belize
In this week’s podcast episode we had the privilege of chatting to Bronwen Eastwood, Co-Founder of VETbytes. We discuss Bronwen’s amazing career that has taken her from Brighton to Belize and back again! Bronwen went on to co-found VETbytes, an EBVM resource for vets working in first opinion practice, after recognising a void for a resource that provides up-to-date, evidence-based, user friendly clinical information. Alongside co-founder Zoe Coker, Bronwen co-wrote the treatment guides for the VETbytes emergency and critical care app, a subscription-based resource designed to support vets who need to keep up to date and provide an excellent service to their clients and patients. Check them out!
Episode 12 – The Problem With Poo… in a bag!
In this week’s podcast episode we are joined by Lindsay Davies RVN. Lindsay qualified as an RVN in 2017 and shortly after moved to the RVC to specialise in emergency and critical care veterinary nursing. Lindsay loves teaching and wanted to help others learn what she had, so, she created @theeccrvn on Instagram and a little while after, a CPD platform called Veterinary Webinurse. Lindsay is currently in the process of completing the Vets Now ECC Certificate and doing a study/research project on the use of bowel management systems in canine intensive care unit patients. Yes… she really does love poo in a bag!
Episode 11 – Who’s Coming Out? The story of the tortoise and the bowling ball
In this week’s podcast episode we are so excited to be talking to Jack this week about his career as a veterinary nurse. Jack qualified in 2018 and now works in emergency and critical care. Jack has many strings to his bow and chatted about his love for caring for and breeding tortoises as well his international bowling stardom!
We also chat about some of our veterinary inspirations and experiences of coming out in the workplace. Jack is also involved with the British Veterinary Nursing Association Council and is keen to promote vet nursing within the wider community and profession.
Instagram – @Pye_rvn
Facebook – @JackPyeRVN
Twitter – @PyeRVN96
Episode 10 – Dame Hayley Walters The Animal’s Princess
In this week’s podcast episode we talk to Hayley Walters RVN, MBE about her exciting career and the amazing adventures that she has had all around the world. Hayley talks about her love for the profession and all things animal welfare. Hayley is passionate about teaching and sharing her knowledge and she loves loves loves a ‘pain score’. Listen and find out why.
Links to some of the projects and learning materials that Hayley has been involved in creating, can be found below:
Veterinary Nursing Online Skills resource https://www.ed.ac.uk/vet/jeanne-marchig-centre/cpd/vnos
MOOC in Animal Behaviour and Welfare and The Truth About Cats and Dogs https://www.ed.ac.uk/vet/jeanne-marchig-centre/cpd/online-courses