Ultrasound for veterinary nurses

Veterinary Nursing | Diagnostic Imaging | 95 mins

In this webinar we will be discussing how best to utilise your ultrasound machine in a nurse focussed session, instead of it just sitting and gathering dust we will be looking at real life cases where nurse led ultrasound has truly benefited patient care and outcomes!
We will look at what the controls of the ultrasound machine do and how best to alter them throughout an ultrasound scan in order to optimise your image so that it is of a diagnostic quality.

We will also focus on how to navigate your way around an ultrasound scan of the abdomen and thorax taking into account key anatomical landmarks as well as identifying normal and abnormal appearances to become proactive in these clinical cases as opposed to reactive. The benefits of nurse led ultrasound in practice are endless and it’s time to harness this imaging modality and utilise it to its fullest potential! It can really support the veterinary team to improve patient care with the use of this diagnostic imaging tool.



Meet the speakers

Jack Pye


Jack began his career in a ‘first opinion’ practice where he quickly developed a passion for progression. He successfully qualified in 2018 and then went on to pursue a career in emergency & critical care, working out of hours at a busy small animal hospital. He completed his certificate in ECC in 2022. He is also a Tutor on the Improve International Nursing certificate in diagnostic imaging teaching the ultrasound modules. Jack is currently an account manager for IMV Imaging and can support practices on all of their diagnostic imaging needs and how they can get the most out of their imaging equipment and help practice growth. He also still carries out locum work to keep up to date with clinical practice. Jack’s specialist interests are ultrasonography. He regularly shares his experiences and ultrasonography content on his social media platforms (@Pye_rvn) with the hope of encouraging and supporting other veterinary professionals’ development. He also provides inhouse ultrasound CPD to practices around the country to empower veterinary nurses to carry out this useful imaging tool.

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