Roundtable Panel Discussion ‘Gut Instincts’ (28/03/24)

Member exclusive
Roundtable Panel | 71 mins

In this roundtable panel session we will be joined by the incredible Scott Kilpatrick, Prof Silke Salavati and Dr Fabio Procoli (EBVS® European Veterinary Specialists in Small Animal Internal Medicine). We will consider all things small animal gastroenterology. Is faecal analysis actually that helpful? What probiotics actually work? and when should we consider faecal transplantation?

Meet the speakers

Scott Kilpatrick

Director, Internal Medicine Specialist

Scott graduated from Edinburgh Vet School in 2007. Initially, he worked for the PDSA, before taking a Senior Veterinary Surgeon position with Vets Now in Edinburgh in 2010. Scott started his residency in internal medicine at the University of Edinburgh in 2012 after completing a year as a Teaching Fellow in Anatomy and Physiology. He completed his residency in 2016 after finishing his Masters in the pathogenesis of canine liver disease and has since been working in referral practice. Interventional radiology is something that really interests Scott, and he spent some time in 2018, working in this area at UC Davis in California. Scott has created and delivered a Post-graduate Certificate in Small Animal Emergency Medicine in association with the University of Chester. In 2023 he was awarded Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (FRCVS) for his meritorious contribution to clinical practice.

Silke Salavati

Internal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Salavati graduated from the Justus-Liebig University (JLU) in Giessen (Germany) in 2003. She has completed her German doctoral thesis ( in Giessen, validating a breath test to assess canine gastric emptying against scintigraphy. She has completed a rotating internship and a residency in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the same university, whilst continuing to be interested in research topics concerning small animal gastroenterology. Apart from holding the DipECVIM-CA title, she also completed a PhD at the Royal Veterinary College, London (UK), investigating the clinical and immunological effects of a single-strain probiotic in canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). From 2013 to 2016 she was a Junior lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the JLU, before she took her current position as a Senior lecturer for Small Animal Internal Medicine at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Sciences in Edinburgh (Scotland). She continues to have a great interest in canine and feline gastroenterology, investigating novel aspects to evaluate visceral pain and inflammation, connections to other organ systems and establishing novel treatment approaches in canine chronic enteropathies. So far, she has >30 publications in various journals around these topics, and has written several book chapters in small animal internal medicine textbooks., PhD, DipECVIM-CA, FHEA, MRCVS

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