Nutritional support and nursing care in patients with canine parvovirus
Canine parvovirus is a highly infectious virus, that we see often in veterinary practice! Despite, intensive nursing care and aggressive medical treatment, many cases still do not manage to receive a positive outcome. How do we manage these cases in hospital, and what steps can we take to improve these patient outcomes? This webinar will focus on understanding how parvo effects the patient; what sets it apart from other gastrointestinal diseases, the importance of nutritional support for gut health, and the connection between poor gut health, GI haemorrhage, and the potential for sepsis. We will also cover feeding tubes, and the provision of nutrition (including microenteral nutrition), including gastric siphoning. Lastly, we will consider the challenges with nursing and monitoring a canine parvovirus patient in isolation.
Meet the speakers

Ashley Wemple
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