Mast cell tumours – Staging and prognostic factors

Oncology | 46 mins

In this lecture, we will focus on diagnostic and other tests recommended for staging of patients with mast cell tumours. We will discuss the importance of sentinel lymph nodes, tumour grade and other molecular markers. Is cytology as good as histopathology in predicting tumour behaviour? Does it matter where on the body the tumour is located? Join this webinar to find out more…

Meet the speakers

Spela Bavcar

Oncology Specialist

Spela graduated from the Veterinary Faculty at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2010. Spela then completed two oncology externships in the USA before an internship in a Dutch private practice. In 2017, she became a Diplomate in Oncology, after completing her oncology residency at the University of Edinburgh; where she remained at the university to become the Head of the Oncology department and a Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Oncology, before relocating to Sydney in 2021 o join the SASH Cancer Centre.

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