Helping your gut: Acid, appetite and moving forward
Vomiting is one of the moist common presenting signs in small animal practice. In this webinar we discuss the options for antiemetic therapy… there is more to it that maropitant. Similar to the situation in human medicine, practice of inappropriate prescription of acid suppressants is also commonplace in veterinary medicine. In this webinar we challenge the dogma and clinical practice of administering gastroprotectants for the routine management of gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatic disease, and renal disease in dogs and cats lacking additional risk factors for ulceration or concerns for gastrointestinal bleeding. We will discuss which drugs actually work and when we should be using them. Step away from the ranitidine! Furthermore, canine and feline gastrointestinal motility disorders present both diagnostic and therapeutic challenges and likely are under-recognized in small animal practice. We talk about the most up to date options for prokinetic therapy. Appetite stimulation can benefit many patients… if you don’t eat you don’t heal! When are these drugs appropriate and what are the options.
Meet the speakers

Scott Kilpatrick
Director, Internal Medicine Specialist
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