Feline Quality of Life and Palliative Care

Behaviour & Welfare | Veterinary Nursing | 56 mins

Monitoring quality of life in our feline patients not only helps us to monitor treatment plans and welfare, but it also helps owners to understand the impact of health status on their pets. Having end of life discussions with owners, having sensitive communication styles, and using a contextualised care approach, end of life care plans can be utilised to ensure we are doing the best for our owners and patients during their pet’s end of life.

Meet the speakers

Kelly Eyre


Kelly qualified as a Registered Veterinary Nurse in 2015, and began to delve deeper into feline medicine and welfare. Kelly has completed the ISFM Diploma in Feline Nursing, the ISFM Advanced Certificate in Feline Behaviour and has recently achieved a Masters of Research in Anthrozoology where she looked at the owner’s ability to recognise chronic dental pain in cats.  Kelly is currently the Clinical Lead for the Royal Canin Feline Healthy Ageing Clinic at the University of Liverpool, which is a project aiming to extend the quality of life in aging cats through research and education. In addition to the day to day running of the clinic, Kelly provides education to vets, nurses, and the general public on the topics of feline behavior, feline welfare, and supporting the aging cat.

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