Arterial Blood Pressure: ‘Feeling the Pressure!’

Anaesthesia & Analgesia | Veterinary Nursing | 98 mins

The primary determinant of organ perfusion is blood pressure, profound hypotension is common in anaesthetised patients and is connected to hypoperfusion and organ failure. The ability to measure and monitor blood pressure trends provides important information about patient cardiovascular status and may help define approach to treatment. Currently, hypotension is addressed once low blood pressure levels are recorded, but maybe we should be thinking about the early detection of oncoming hypotension and to treat it to reduce the incidence and length of hypotensive episodes.

Within this webinar, we will discuss basic cardiovascular physiology, why we should monitor blood pressure, blood pressure measurement techniques, causes of hypotension, and treatment of hypotension in the anaesthetised patient.

Meet the speakers

Janette Bailey-Woods

RVN, NCert (Anaesthesia & ECC), VTS (Anaesthesia & Analgesia)

Janette qualified as an RVN in 2001 and worked in a mixed animal practice in Cumbria for 15 years. In 2013, Janette moved to work in an orthopaedic referral hospital before moving to Wear Referrals, a multi-discipline referral hospital in 2015, where she now works within the anaesthesia team as lead anaesthesia nurse. Janette has gained the NCert ECC and NCert Anaesthesia qualification, and in 2021 achieved the Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) in Anaesthesia and Analgesia, a prestigious credential awarded by the Academy of Veterinary Technicians in Anaesthesia and Analgesia and held by only a handful of veterinary nurses in the UK. Out of work, Janette has two dogs, Hector and Goose, she is an outdoor enthusiast, spending time in the forest where she lives, walking up mountains or being on 'Precilla' her much loved mountain bike!      

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