Anal sac disease – A dermatologist’s perspective

Dermatology | Primary Care | 63 mins

‘Express anal sacs’ are a common consult in practice but why is this happening in the first instance and what can we do about managing our patients? Join us on this webinar where we look at this common problem, discuss some of the reasons anal sac disease may develop as well as conditions to consider when it’s not anal sac disease.

Meet the speakers

Victoria Robinson

Dermatology Specialist

Victoria Robinson (Tori) qualified from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, in 2008. After several years in general practice, she completed a rotating internship at The University of Liverpool. After a year at Rutland House Referrals in St Helens, she started her specialist training at The Dermatology Referral Service in Glasgow in 2017 and passed ECVD boards in 2020. She re-joined the Dick Vet in 2022 as Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Dermatology. Her research interests include canine atopic dermatitis, otitis (biofilm) and antimicrobial resistant infections. Outside of work, Tori enjoys nothing more than socialising, keeping active and spending time with her family.

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