Anaesthesia for rabbits and other small mammals

Exotics | Anaesthesia & Analgesia | 64 mins

The mortality rate of rabbits and other small furries during anaesthesia is substantially higher than the perioperative mortality of other pets. The causes for these numbers are multifactorial. This webinar gives an overview of the individual characteristics relevant to anaesthesia of the most common small mammals, the potential difficulties during the anaesthetic period and provides practical advice to make the anaesthesia of small mammal patients as safe as possible.

Meet the speakers

Nina Gasparik-Küls

Anaesthesia Specialist

Nina is a specialist in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia, currently based in Vienna, Austria. After graduation from the Veterinary University of Gießen, Germany, Nina worked in mixed animal practice in Canada and Germany before pursuing a residency in anaesthesia at the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh. After a few years of working as a senior lecturer at the Veterinary University in Vienna she is now heading the anaesthesia service at the Vetklinikum, Vienna, Austra.

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