Small Animal Dermatology… Scratching your head?

9 weeksDermatologyPrimary Care11 CPD hours

This veterinary thought exchange online tutored course takes a more detailed look at the investigation and management of dermatological conditions in dogs and cats. Skin disorders are very common clinical presentations in small animal practices, but that doesn’t mean their diagnosis and treatment are always straightforward. Itchy pets, and those with ear disease, make up a huge percentage of what we do in practice; they can be particularly frustrating for vets and owners alike. We hope to help you take the sting out of these patients with this immersive and interactive learning experience. Through online lectures and case discussions, you will learn how to confidently approach the dog and cat presenting with clinical signs of skin disease in a logical and scientific manner. This course is designed to support you in your approach to working up and managing these cases.

The course is run by the amazing Ariane Neuber DrMedVet CertVD DECVD MRCVS (EBVS & RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology). It runs over a nine-week period and takes around 11 hours to complete. The course is delivered via video webinars and supplemented with discussion forums and live chats with the course tutor, giving you the opportunity to ask questions or discuss cases you may be facing in your practice.

Access to this course is for 12 months from the start of the course going live on our website. If you sign up to the course after the live sessions have run, you will still be able to access the recordings from the live sessions. The discussion forum will be monitored for the course duration only.

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Course Content

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Lesson 1: General approach to dermatological patients 1 Quiz 10/07/2023
learning outcomes

• Outline a logical approach to history taking in veterinary dermatology
• Describe dermatological lesions & their distribution
• Identify the most appropriate diagnostic tests to perform

Lesson 2: The Pruritic dog 1 Quiz 17/07/2023
learning outcomes
  • Understand the diseases causing pruritus in the dog
  • Recognize clinical patterns associated with the different diseases
  • Describe a logical approach to pruritic dogs
Lesson 3: The Pruritic cat 1 Quiz 24/07/2023
learning outcomes
  • Recognize feline cutaneous reaction patterns
  • Identify the best approach to itchy cats
  • Understand species differences of pruritus in the dog and cat
Lesson 4: Otitis 1 Quiz 31/07/2023
learning outcomes
  • Review primary, secondary, predisposing and perpetuating factors
  • Develop an understanding of otic cytology
  • Identify treatment strategies for chronic otitis
Lesson 5: Alopecia 1 Quiz 09/08/2023
learning outcomes
  • Describe patterns of alopecia
  • Identify appropriate diagnostic tests for alopecic patients
  • Outline treatment options for alopecia
Lesson 6: Scaling & crusting 1 Quiz 15/08/2023
learning outcomes
  • Review diseases causing scaling & crusting in the dog and cat
  • Describe a logical approach to patients suffering from scaling or crusting disorders
  • Outline the treatment options for pets with scaling and crusting disorders
Lesson 7: Pododermatitis (including disease of the claw) 1 Quiz 21/08/2023
learning outcomes
  • Outline underlying factors in pododermatitis
  • Choose appropriate analgesia for affected patients
  • Describe management strategies suitable for claw disease
Lesson 8: Dermatological therapeutics 1 Quiz 28/08/2023
learning outcomes
  • Define your treatment choices for dermatological patients
  • Describe of potential side effects of dermatological therapeutics
  • Identify strategies to increase client compliance
Live Q&A and case discussion (Wed 06/09/22 @ 8pm BST)
learning outcomes
  • Your chance to discuss any cases you are struggling with.
  • We will bring along a few interesting cases too!

Meet the speakers

Ariane Neuber

Dermatology Specialist

Ariane completed her veterinary medicine degree at the University of Munich and after a spell in small animal practice returned to university to achieve her doctorate. Following an Internship at the Animal Health Trust she moved to Scotland to take up the Senior Clinical Scholarship in Veterinary Dermatology at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. During her residency she achieved her dermatology certificate in 2002, and after finishing her studies in Edinburgh, she passed the European Diploma of Veterinary Dermatology in summer 2005. She ran a peripatetic dermatology referral service for various multidisciplinary referral centres in the south east (including Davies Veterinary Specialist, Great Western Referrals, Lumbry Park Referrals, Chiltern Referral Services) for over 15 years before returning to her native Germany in 2018. She worked in a dermatology referral practice near Frankfurt before opening her own dermatology practice, Hund Katze Haut, near Bonn in 2020. DrMedVet CertVD DECVD MRCVS EBVS & RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology

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