Mastering nutrition in small animal practice
Nutrition is central to the health and wellbeing of all pets. Throughout each pet’s life nutritional requirements change and so the nutrition provided to them must adapt also. At every stage of life specific nutrients are needed in greater or lesser quantities and these changes must be balanced against the nutritional adaptations that are required where disease is present. Many diseases are managed wholly or partially through nutrition so understanding the optimal nutrition profile is critical for positive outcomes.
This course will discuss in detail many disease states where nutrition plays a central role. It will explore the principles of each required nutritional profile and how every recommendation can be tailored to the individual. By making excellent, individualised nutritional recommendations, patient care is greatly enhanced for the health and quality of life for all.
The course is run by Georgia Woods-Lee (VTS Nutrition). The course runs over an eleven-week period and takes around 11 hours to complete. The course is delivered via video webinars and supplemented with discussion forums with the course tutor, giving you the opportunity to ask questions or discuss cases you may be facing in your practice.
Access to this course is for 12 months. The discussion forum will be monitored by Georgia for the duration of the course.
Course Content
- Discuss the nutritional requirements of the mother prior to and during pregnancy
- Explore the significant nutritional pressures of lactation
- Detail nutritional requirements of neonates
- Describe the process of nutritional weaning from milk to solid foods
- Identify pets who are physiologically senior
- Describe age related changes
- Explore nutrient adaptions needed as pets age
- Discuss how correct nutrition supports a senior pet
- Discuss diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats.
- Explore nutrition related changes brought about by hyperthyroidism and hyperlipidaemia
- Explore nutritional adaptations required for each disease
- Detail how prevision of the nutrition supports ongoing disease management
- Discuss the nutritional requirements for different types of cardiac disease
- Explore the differences between sarcopenia and cachexia
- Understand the rational behind feeding a grain-free diet
- Identify key elements surrounding the concerns with grain free diets
- Explore different crystal and urolith types
- Discuss the optimal urinary environment required to prevent crystal and urolith formation
- Discuss required nutritional adaptions for those prone to or with crystals and uroliths
- Explore feline idiopathic cystitis and how nutrition plays a role in its management
- Discuss the differences between acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease
- Describe CKD staging
- Explore key nutritional adaptions required for the CKD patient
- Identify strategies for successful dietary change
- Discuss the vast array of digestive functions the liver performs
- Identify liver diseases which are influenced by nutrition
- Explore specific nutrient adaptions required for patients with liver disease
- Discuss long term nutritional management of liver disease
- Discuss the causes of obesity
- Explain calorie calculations associated with weight loss
- Explore nutritional adaptions required for successful weight loss
- Identify feeding methods which support weight loss
- Discuss how nutrition for critically ill patients is central to recovery
- Identify which method of feeding is most suitable for each patient
- Detail energy calculations needed to deliver nutrition to critical patients
- Identify key nutritional elements needed for critical patients
- Describe different adverse reactions to food
- Detail how to perform an exclusion diet trial
- Identify how nutritional deficiencies and excesses can affect the integument
- Explore the use of supplements
- Discuss new pet food trends
- Explore the advantages of new ingredients and diets
- Explore the disadvantages of new ingredients and diets
- Identify changes to traditional thinking when nutritionally managing acute gastroenteritis and pancreatitis
Meet the speakers

Georgia Woods-Lee
RVN CertCFVHNutrition VTS (Nutrition)
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