Dipping your toes into dermatology: Understanding and treating dermatological issues in dogs and cats
This veterinary thought exchange online tutored course takes a more detailed look at the investigation and management of the various dermatological conditions that may present to you in veterinary practice in dogs and cats.
Dermatological conditions are a significant part of veterinary practice, accounting for up to 25% of consultations in companion animals. This course aims to equip veterinary professionals with the knowledge and tools to confidently manage skin diseases, which affect both the health of pets and the well-being of their owners. The course will cover a range of common dermatological issues, from itching and scaly skin to more severe crusty conditions that cause discomfort and distress for pets. You will learn how these conditions impact the quality of life for both the animals and their owners, and why it’s crucial to take a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment.
The course is run by Victoria Robinson (EBVS and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Dermatology). The course runs over a nine-week period and takes around 10 hours to complete. The course is delivered via video webinars and supplemented with discussion forums and live chats with the course tutor, giving you the opportunity to ask questions or discuss cases you may be facing in your practice.
Access to this course is for 12 months from the start of the course going live on our website. If you sign up to the course after the live sessions have run, you will still be able to access the recordings from the live sessions. The discussion forum will be monitored for the course duration only.
Course Content
- General approach to dermatology cases from taking a history to reading the skin
- The good, the bad and the ugly – what are the diagnostic tools we should be using in dermatology and what are the limitations
- Communication, communication, communication. How best to improve this with our clients
- Review of the pathophysiology and clinical signs of canine atopic dermatitis
- Diagnostics in CAD
- Therapeutics – review of the mechanisms of actions of different treatment options, layering of these therapeutics and considerations for use
- Review of the pathophysiology and clinical signs of feline atopic syndrome including skin syndrome
- Diagnostics in feline atopic skin syndrome.
- Therapeutics – review of the mechanisms of actions of different treatment options, layering of these therapeutics and considerations for use
- Describe the variation in patterns in alopecia
- Diagnostic test choices – how the history and clinical signs aid decision making
- Therapeutics to consider when treatment is needed
- Revision of the factors associated in development of ear disease
- Diagnostics to aid management especially how to make cytology your new best friend
- Therapeutics for not only the ear and now, but also long-term management
- Revision of some of the main causes of paw disease in companion animals
- Diagnostic investigations that really pack a punch
- Therapeutics from steroids to sorcery (ok, use of CO2 lasers)
- Introduction to some of the more commonly seen autoimmune/immune-mediated diseases
- How to help differentiate these conditions and diagnostics
- Therapeutics to help get disease under control and concepts for management
- How to tell when an infection is present
- Interpretation of microbial culture results and antibiogram
- Therapeutics in skin disease and where to find up to date resources
- Review when biopsy is indicated
- How best to take samples – why it shouldn’t be a stab in the dark
- Making friends with your dermatohistopathologist and why this is important
Meet the speakers

Victoria Robinson
Dermatology Specialist
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