Clear vision: Understanding ophthalmology in small animal practice

8 weeksOphthalmologyOphthalmology10 CPD hours

This course aims to demystify common ophthalmic conditions seen in practice, with top tips for gaining the most from your examination as well as targeted treatments.  Working from the front to the back of the eye we will consider not only primary ophthalmic conditions, but how mastering a good ophthalmic examination can help with diagnosis of systemic disease. By the end of this course, you will be confident in recognising various disease processes and will be able to advise your clients about the most appropriate and up to date treatment options.

The course is run by Georgina Fricker (ECVO and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology). It runs over a eight-week period and takes around 10 hours to complete. The course is delivered via video webinars and supplemented with a real-time discussion forum with the course tutor, giving you the opportunity to ask questions or discuss cases you may be facing in your practice.

Access to this course is for 12 months from the start of the course going live on our website. The discussion forum will be monitored for the course duration only.

Course Content

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Lesson 1: Window to the eye – Corneal disease 1 Quiz Available on 04/11/2024 8:00 am 04/11/2024
learning outcomes
  • Recognise common causes of corneal ulceration in dogs
  • Explain when further intervention is needed
  • Summarise treatment selection for minimal scarring
Lesson 2: Drought or flood, ecology for the eye – Ocular surface disease 1 Quiz Available on 11/11/2024 8:00 am 11/11/2024
learning outcomes
  • Pre-corneal tear film, where does it come from and what does it do?
  • Recognise what to do when the tears are gone
  • Describe excessive tearing – common causes and their management
Lesson 3: Blink and you’ll miss it – adnexal disease 1 Quiz Available on 18/11/2024 8:00 am 18/11/2024
learning outcomes
  • Describe how to assess eyelid conformation and function
  • Identify brachycephalic issues – recognising and managing these common issues
  • Summarise dos and don’ts with treating eyelids
Lesson 4: Red eye at night, red eye in the morning – approach to the red eye 1 Quiz Available on 25/11/2024 8:00 am 25/11/2024
learning outcomes
  • Identify common causes of ocular redness
  • Describe the management of red eyes in practice
  • Recognise when further testing is indicated
Lesson 5: Changing focus – Diseases of the lens 1 Quiz Available on 02/12/2024 8:00 am 02/12/2024
learning outcomes
  • Identify cataracts and other disease processes that can appear similar
  • List the medical management options
  • Recognise when to refer for surgery and outcomes
Lesson 6: Illuminating the fundus – Diseases of the posterior segment 1 Quiz Available on 09/12/2024 8:00 am 09/12/2024
learning outcomes
  • What happens in the vitreous?
  • Describe how to recognise patterns of fundic disease
  • Review treatment options for the back of the eye
Lesson 7: Do you think he saw us? Approach to the blind patient 1 Quiz Available on 16/12/2024 8:00 am 16/12/2024
learning outcomes
  • Describe how to assess vision
  • Recognise common conditions leading to blindness
  • Review the management of blind dogs
Lesson 8: Cats eye reflection – Feline ophthalmology 1 Quiz Available on 23/12/2024 8:00 am 23/12/2024
learning outcomes
  • Identify conditions unique to cats
  • Discuss the use of antivirals and the eye
  • Review the management of feline eyelids

Meet the speakers

Georgina Fricker

Ophthalmology Specialist

Georgie graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2005. She worked for 3 years in general practice before joining a referral centre in 2008 with the aim of specialising in ophthalmology. In 2011 she was awarded the RCVS Certificate in Veterinary Ophthalmology and she commenced an ECVO Residency Programme in 2012, becoming a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists in 2016. She was admitted to the BVA/KC/ISDS Eye Panel in 2018 and was appointed to the ECVO Communications Committee in the same year. Georgie joined the Ophthalmology Team at DWR in 2020; her particular interests include corneal and intraocular surgery which she enjoys teaching to Residents.

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