Can’t cardio on: Approach to common heart conditions in dogs and cats (2023)

9 weeksCardiology11 CPD hours

This veterinary thought exchange online tutored course takes a more detailed look at the investigation and management of heart disease in dogs and cats.

Cardiac disease is a relatively common problem in both species, affecting approximately 3.5% of dogs in first opinion practice. However, it can be challenging to know when to worry. In this course we will cover a wide range of cardiac conundrums from those puppy and kitten murmurs to the collapsing patient with ventricular tachycardia. We will discuss new treatments and management strategies for congestive heart failure. There is a special session covering the principles of anaesthesia in animals with heart disease, presented by Matt Gurney (EBVS and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia) from Zero Pain Philosophy.

The course is run by our very own Liz Bode (EBVS and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Cardiology). It runs over a nine-week period and takes around 11 hours to complete. The course is delivered via video webinars and supplemented with discussion forums and live chats with the course tutor, giving you the opportunity to ask questions or discuss cases you may be facing in your practice.

Access to this course is for 12 months from the start of the course going live on our website. If you sign up to the course after the live sessions have run, you will still be able to access the recordings from the live sessions. The discussion forum will be monitored for the course duration only.

Course Content

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Lesson 1: When is it innocent? Puppy and kitten murmurs 1 Quiz 07/08/2023
learning outcomes
  • Describe the pathophysiology behind innocent murmurs
  • Identify when a murmur is likely to be innocent and when you need to worry
  • Develop a logical approach to murmurs
Lesson 2: When embryology goes awry – congenital heart disease in dogs and cats 1 Quiz 14/08/2023
learning outcomes
  • Understand the clinical signs of common congenital diseases
  • Describe the most common congenital diseases in dogs and cats
  • Develop a logical approach to diagnosis and management of common congenital diseases
Lesson 3: Feline fine? Feline cardiomyopathies in a nutshell 1 Quiz 21/08/2023
learning outcomes
  • Describe the various feline cardiomyopathies and their presentations
  • Identify suitable diagnostic tests for cats with heart disease
  • Define treatment protocols for pre-clinical feline heart disease
Lesson 4: Acquired canine heart diseases; mitral valve disease and DCM 1 Quiz 28/08/2023
learning outcomes
  • Identify acquired heart disease in your canine patients
  • Develop a logical approach to diagnosis of these diseases
  • Refine your treatment choices for dogs affected by pre-clinical heart disease
Lesson 5: Keeping you in the loop; management of heart failure 1 Quiz 04/09/2023
learning outcomes
  • Review treatment options for heart failure in dogs and cats
  • Choose appropriate treatment strategies for acute and chronic heart failure
  • Describe suitable monitoring processes for cats and dogs with heart failure
Lesson 6: The faint hearted; approach to collapsing patients 1 Quiz 11/09/2023
learning outcomes
  • Describe common causes of collapse in dogs and cats
  • Identify cardiovascular causes of collapse
  • Develop appropriate diagnostic strategies for these patients
Lesson 7: Demystifying the ECG; a case-based discussion 1 Quiz 18/09/2023
learning outcomes
  • Basics of ECG diagnosis
  • The use of clinical cases allows the development of a logical approach to ECGs
Lesson 8: Cardiac Anaesthesia 1 Quiz 25/09/2023
learning outcomes
  • Develop a rational approach to anaesthesia in patients with heart disease.
Live Q&A and Case Discussion (03/10/2023 @ 8pm BST)
learning outcomes
  • Your chance to discuss any cases you are struggling with.
  • We will bring along a few interesting cases too!

Meet the speakers

Liz Bode

Director, Cardiology Specialist

Liz graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2006. After spending some time carrying out voluntary work with SPANA, Liz took up a job in mixed practice in East Yorkshire. Shortly after this, Liz completed an internship at the University of Cambridge and solidified her love for all things cardio. She subsequently embarked on a PhD at the University of Manchester looking at cellular calcium handling in heart failure and ageing and was awarded her doctorate in 2013. After another spell in small animal practice Liz completed her residency in cardiology at the University of Edinburgh in 2017. Following her residency she worked at the University of Liverpool as a senior lecturer in small animal cardiology. More recently, she was awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and has taken on the role of Module Co-ordinator for the CertAVP cardiology modules at the University of Liverpool. She currently works at Chestergates Veterinary Specialists in the UK. In 2022 she was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (FRCVS) for her meritorious contribution to clinical practice.

Matt Gurney

Anaesthesia Specialist

Matt an internationally respected British anaesthetist. A specialist in anaesthesia and analgesia, Matt trained at the University of Liverpool and now works at Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists in the UK. Matt is passionate about pain management, lectures on the subject globally and is the author of many international anaesthesia publications. Matt is President of the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia.

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