A fundamental approach to diagnosing and treating cancer in small animal veterinary practice

8 weeksOncology10 CPD hours

This veterinary thought exchange online tutored course is aimed at veterinarians in practice that have little to no experience in diagnosing and treating cancer in small animal clinical practice.

Cancer will account for the deaths of nearly one in three purebred dogs in the UK, and owners are more concerned about cancer compared with other geriatric diseases such as heart disease. However, many vets may not feel fully equipped to deal with cancer cases in primary care. The rapidly evolving treatment options can also add confusion as to what is available.

The aim of this course is to provide the fundamental basics of approaching a dog or cat with cancer. In this 8-week course we will approach the investigations and treatment options covering medical, surgical and radiation oncology to give clinicians more confidence in treating cancer cases in small animal clinical practice. This course is a must for anyone who feels ill-equipped with approaching cancer cases in practice.

The course is run by Aaron Harper (EBVS and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Oncology). It runs over an eight-week period and takes around 10 hours to complete. The course is delivered via video webinars and supplemented with a real-time discussion forum, giving you the opportunity to ask questions or discuss cases you may be facing in your practice.

(Access to this course is for 12 months from the start of the course going live on our website. The discussion forum will be monitored for the course duration only).

Course Content

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Lesson 1. What is cancer? 1 Quiz Available on 12/05/2025 8:00 am 12/05/2025
learning outcomes
  • Describe the mechanisms by which cancer can arise in small animals
  • Understand the hallmarks of cancer and how they impact treatment decisions
  • Understand how cancer biology leads to treatment resistance
Lesson 2. How to approach a tumour 1 Quiz Available on 19/05/2025 8:00 am 19/05/2025
learning outcomes
  • Describe the commonly encountered tumour types in small animals
  • Understand the benefits and pitfalls of different diagnostic techniques for various tumours
  • Develop strategies, using case examples, to diagnose the commonly encountered tumours in veterinary patients
Lesson 3. What is staging and why should we do it? 1 Quiz Available on 26/05/2025 8:00 am 26/05/2025
learning outcomes
  • Describe the pros and cons of different imaging modalities for staging
  • Understand how tumour biology will influence the method of staging required
  • Develop staging plans for the commonly encountered tumours in small animal practice
Lesson 4. Paraneoplastic syndromes 1 Quiz 02/06/2024
learning outcomes
  • Describe the commonly encountered paraneoplastic syndromes in small animal practice
  • Understand the mechanisms behind common therapies for hypercalcaemia and when they may or may not be appropriate
  • Develop treatment plans for patients with paraneoplastic syndromes, focussing on hypercalcaemia of malignancy
Lesson 5. Approach to chemotherapy 1 Quiz Available on 09/06/2025 8:00 am 09/06/2025
learning outcomes
  • Describe the common classes of chemotherapy drugs and how they work
  • Understand the health and safety implications of giving chemotherapy in practice
  • Develop chemotherapy plans for some of the commonly encountered cancers in small animal practice.
Lesson 6. Approach to oncological surgery 1 Quiz Available on 16/06/2025 8:00 am 16/06/2025
learning outcomes
  • Be able to recall recommendations regarding margins for commonly encountered solid tumours
  • Understand how the main skin reconstruction techniques can be used for tumour surgery
  • Be able to formulate surgical plans for commonly encountered tumours
Lesson 7. What is radiotherapy and when should I use it? 1 Quiz Available on 23/06/2025 8:00 am 23/06/2025
learning outcomes
  • Describe the basic principles of radiation therapy
  • Understand the indications for radiation treatment in small animals, focusing on adjuvant treatment and for non-surgical tumours
  • Develop treatment plans for common tumours involving radiotherapy.
Lesson 8. Palliative care in veterinary oncology 1 Quiz 30/06/2024
learning outcomes
  • Understand the concepts around palliative care and how to apply them to veterinary oncology patients
  • Describe some of the commonly used drugs used in palliative care
  • Develop palliative treatment plans for some of the commonly encountered cancers in small animals.

Meet the speakers

Aaron Harper

Oncology Specialist

Aaron began his career in general practice in Northwest England back in 2008 after graduating from the University of Cambridge. In 2016, he completed a residency in small animal oncology at the University of Liverpool and during that time he completed the Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Small Animal Medicine). Aaron achieved the European Diploma in Veterinary Internal Medicine (Oncology) in 2017 and became a European and RCVS recognised Specialist in Oncology. He moved into private practice in 2018, working at Southfields Veterinary Specialists before moving to Wear Referrals in 2021. He established the Oncology service which has quickly grown over the last two years. His most recent accomplishment is completing a post-graduate certificate in medical education with the University of Dundee in 2023. Aaron’s main areas of interest are in haematological cancers and the medical management of these conditions. He is also interested in novel therapies for dogs and cats with cancer, along with the management of side-effects in these cases and his research to date has been on this subject.   Aaron is particularly passionate about the management of lymphoma and has spoken extensively on a variety of medical oncology topics at local and national CPD events. He has sat on the BSAVA Congress Programme Committee and the ECVIM Oncology Exam Committee, and is currently the Subject Matter Expert for the Linnaeus Clinical Board. Outside of work, Aaron’s spare time is taken up walking the beaches of North East England with his mini-Dachshund, Penfold. MA VetMB CertAVP (SAM) PGCME(Onc) DipECVIM-CA (Onc), MRCVS RCVS and EBVS European Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Oncology

Jon Hall

Surgery Specialist (Soft Tissue)

Jon was born into primary care practice and spent several years working as a small animal GP after graduating in 2004. He became an ECVS specialist in small animal surgery in 2015 and has worked at the RVC, the University of Cambridge and University of Edinburgh. He is a Professor in small animal surgery at the University of Nottingham, a Fellow of the Royal College and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He loves a good bit of surgery and being in a lucky position to help out colleagues with their surgical conundrums and through teaching. Jon has worked on call for his whole career and spent a few months working in a dedicated emergency clinic. He has been a lecturer and examiner on the BSAVA CertECC and helps train Vets Now graduates on practical approaches to emergency surgeries. These experiences mean that he can empathise with colleagues working sole charge OOH and those having to fit in emergencies either in their busy daily routine or through the night with work the following morning! Experiences that encourage a certain pragmatism.  

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