Clot busting: Feline aortic thromboembolism

Cardiology | 52 mins

This webinar will cover the diagnosis and management of feline aortic thromboembolism. Not all owners will want to treat cats that present with this disease, but which cats have a better prognosis? What should we be using as a first-line treatment? Is the cat with tachypnoea always in congestive heart failure? This webinar will answer these questions and more.

Meet the speakers

Liz Bode

Director, Cardiology Specialist

Liz graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2006. After spending some time carrying out voluntary work with SPANA, Liz took up a job in mixed practice in East Yorkshire. Shortly after this, Liz completed an internship at the University of Cambridge and solidified her love for all things cardio. She subsequently embarked on a PhD at the University of Manchester looking at cellular calcium handling in heart failure and ageing and was awarded her doctorate in 2013. After another spell in small animal practice Liz completed her residency in cardiology at the University of Edinburgh in 2017. Following her residency she worked at the University of Liverpool as a senior lecturer in small animal cardiology. More recently, she was awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and has taken on the role of Module Co-ordinator for the CertAVP cardiology modules at the University of Liverpool. She currently works at Chestergates Veterinary Specialists in the UK. In 2022 she was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (FRCVS) for her meritorious contribution to clinical practice.

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