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Siriol B.

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  • Siriol B.

    Thank you Scott -will try this next time we have a small bitch!

    Siriol B.

    Replying to Siriol B. 14/09/2023 - 22:15

    Thinking consolidation of caudal left lung lobe? Foreign body?

    Siriol B.

    Replying to scott@vtx-cpd.com 14/09/2023 - 14:47

    In the right lateral I think there is a bronchial pattern in the dorsal lung field, but in the left lateral there are definite air bronchograms over the cardiac silhouette in the caudo ventral area?

    Siriol B.

    The diaphragmatic line is indistinct ventrally especially in he left lateral view and in the DV
    CArdiac silhouette looks big in DV?

    Thinking periteneopericardial hernia?? Or a diaphragmatic hernia?
    but doesn’t explain the pyrexia?

    Echo next? Haematology?

    Feeling very brave putting my thoughts out there 😂

    Siriol B.

    Replying to scott@vtx-cpd.com 21/07/2023 - 09:21

    Should also have said that the dog has not had any imaging yet. I’ve only seen her once to date.
    Thank you

    Siriol B.

    Replying to scott@vtx-cpd.com 21/07/2023 - 09:21

    Thank you Scott.
    I will make a copy of the full bloods tomorrow and send to you; I was also planning on asking the owner to bring a urine sample in this week;
    This poor client’s last working collie had a really severe PLE which we didn’t get on top of (she did not want to have biopsies carried out so we did a dietary trial and then steroids). This little pup is the replacement 🥴
    I hope this one doesn’t turn out to be a big problem!

    Siriol B.

    Hi Scott, I have seen a little 14 month old working border collie this week that was presented as she was underweight, indifferent appetite; very energetic and keen to work; couple of bouts of diarrhoea very recently – not been a consistent feature; BCS low 3/9 but otherwise clinically normal
    I ran in house bloods ; haematology was all WNL; biochem showed low TP at 46, normal albumin but low Glob; mild elveation glucose 8.1
    Sent bloods to Idexx – TLI 21.7, Cobalamin 376, folate low at 7.2
    Following the webinar I am going to start supplementation with cobalaplex. I have never diagnosed a geneti cobalamin deficiency. Can I assume that with a serum cobalamin of 376 that this is not a genetic form? How much significance should I attach to the low folate?
    I have eventually caught up with the course – only 3 months late! Really enjoyed – many thanks!

    Siriol B.

    Hi again Scott,
    Another question about management and treatment of idiopathic megaoesphagus.

    When using drugs such as cisapride, metoclopromide, bethanecol on these cases what is the outcome we are hoping for? Is there a possibility that the condition will resolve and oesophageal function will return? Are we looking at lifelong treatment with these meds but with no requirement for additional management/feeding regimes?

    The case I have currently has some financial constraints, but on the plus side belongs to a little old lady who is able to feed her 5-6 times daily and sit with her in a Bailey chair for 25 minutes after each meal. For many clients who are working this sort of regime would not be possible and maybe medical treatment that would reduce the need for the intensive management would be a consideration

    Siriol B.

    Replying to scott@vtx-cpd.com 07/03/2023 - 14:53

    Thank you

    Siriol B.

    No I was concerned at using doxycycline in a patient with megaoesophagus with the risk that the medication might be slow transiting the oesophagus in these patients.

    When I said I enjoyed the first half – didn;t mean I didn;t enjoy the second half – only watched the first hour last night!

    Siriol B.

    Hi Scott,
    Really enjoyed the first half of today’s lesson on regurgitation.
    One quick question about antibiotics for treatment of aspiration – you list doxycycline – any concerns about the potential to cause oesophagitis in patients with poor oesophageal function?
    We have one little megaoespophagus patient who regularly needs antibiotics and I have avoided doxy for this reason. Picture of little Jess attached in a Bailey chair made by one of our nurses’ husbands! Jess regained nearly 1kg bodyweight once she started using the chair – so much so we had to remove some of the padding so make it a more comfy fit!

    Siriol B.

    Hi Scott,
    REally looking forward to this course. I am a dinosaur vet – 35 years qualified and counting! GI disease is something we see so often in practice, and in my case is often a case of same old same old and updates on management of even the simple V & D cases we see will be really useful.

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