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Sara Jackson

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  • Sara Jackson

    Thank you for a great session.


    Sara Jackson

    Replying to scott@vtx-cpd.com 21/02/2022 - 19:33

    This is really great and I will take this and run with it 🙂

    Sara Jackson

    Replying to Neus E. 11/02/2022 - 11:41

    Excellent lecture, Neus 🙂


    Sara Jackson

    Replying to Kerry Doolin 21/02/2022 - 13:46

    Fab, thank you.

    We thought we’d sorted the fluid side etc and I was trying to measure fractional shortening but really need to improve with that! Looking forward to covering it. Blood pressure started to hold so I was probably being pre-emptive on contractility meds. Platelets dropped to 3/hpf, ApTT couldn’t be measured as high and pT was 17s. Going to look at the sensitivity of our in-house coag tests. I’d already moved to FP as he was hypoalbunaemic and I wanted to support him (not increase!) and feeding tube was in place to support as well. Shifted to FFP when noted petechiation and spontaneous bleeding from gums.

    Interesting you mention dobutamine rather than dopamine 🙂

    Sara Jackson


    I’m Sara and I work as an ECC vet in a referral hospital as well as with Vets Now 🙂 My passion is ECC and I’m very excited about this course.

    Sara Jackson

    I wouldn’t induce emesis if the gag reflex is at all affected so any obvious reduced consciousness would stop me.


    Sara Jackson

    Very excited!

    Sara Jackson

    Hell, these make me nervous full stop.

    Well, they did following a bad experience in a case at a previous job when, unfortunately, the FB was missed and the patient ended up with pressure necrosis o the esophagus and a pyothorax (and death).

    Now I’d be excited to try to remove one with an endoscope with referral for sx if I couldn’t remove it. I guess the fistula would be a risk but how many cases actually develop one.


    Sara Jackson

    Hey Scott,

    M&M rounds are done around the country a district level or the hospitals.

    I’m trying to get one off the ground for the district I work in with the first one happening at the end of the month. It’s very difficult at clinic level to do it with the amount the staff work/the shifts etc.

    I like the idea of informal so it’s got my brain cells thinking about how to make that more possible in a virtual world where the people participating don’t know each other all that well.

    We’re all equal – I believe in this too.

    Sara Jackson

    Congratulations Gail!!

    I believe the atropine /alpha 2 is an American thing – a Facebook vet forum (the fount of all knowledge, yes?) had quite a few people posts about using atropine alongside an alpha 2 (plus other meds for trible/quad combo’s) to counteract the side effects of the alpha2. I’d go for atipamizole first, like you say. I’ve heard of some using it IV in an emergency.

    Do you have any time of M&M rounds or team review/reflection where it could be discussed?

    Sara Jackson

    Out of interest, how long had the patient had seizures and how long had they been on Keppra (can’t spell those long works lol 😉 )

    I agree with your evaluation re the siezures and the hepatopathy. If the seizures were caused by the liver than that would indicate a lack of underlying control, so to speak, and therefore I would expect other neurological signs between seizures.

    Sara Jackson

    Pain scoring should be the 5th vital parameter. There has to be a recognition of strengths and weaknesses of pain scoring though – stoic patients, anxious patients etc. Also, most of the scoring validation is done on specific scenarios so doesn’t necessarily extrapolate as expected.

    Still, scoring is vital and I try to always re-do it 15 to 30 min after analgesia is given to ensure it’s working.

    Sometimes I also work on the principle if it’s a painful condition i.e. pancreatitis the patient is painful so, even if the score is lower than expected, give analgesia.

    Now I’m on my soap box – it’s essential to understand the pathophysiology of pain and how pain meds works to ensure there’s good coverage with minimal side effects.

    Could go on forever about this.

    Sara Jackson

    Certainly can 🙂

    Sara Jackson

    I was talking to an anesthesiologist and mentioned I don’t use alpha-2s in blocked cats – they told me about the potential reno-protective properties being mooted. When I think I have things sorted in my head….

    Sara Jackson

    I read a paper/review that talked about a linear approach to medication in seizures vs multiple medications at the same time and perhaps we shouldn’t be afraid to use the latter as we might control the seizures quicker.

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