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Magda Upton

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  • Magda Upton

    Hi Scott! Amazing lecture πŸ™‚

    I just have a quick question about oral omeprazole and pantoprazole, for the small number of times I do use it. We only have the human versions: Losec 10mg & 20mg (omeprazole) and Somac 20mg & 40mg (pantoprazole). The instruction for people is not to split or crush the tablets, but we often have to do this for our veterinary patients to obtain the right dose. Do you have any idea if this affects the efficacy in animals?

    And one more thing – geez I wish we had capromorelin or transdermal mirtazapine in Australia!!! πŸ™‚

    Thank you as always!

    Magda Upton


    Magda Upton

    Hi Scott!

    Fantastic lecture! I had some thoughts and questions that came up during the topic.

    1. I don’t have endoscopy in my practice. It is available on a referral basis however only 5-10% of my clients can afford referral and there is currently a 3-4 week wait for a non urgent medicine referral in my town. With this in mind, would faecal occult blood be a reasonable test to run where I am suspicious of occult GIT ulceration? What are your thoughts on the Alicam – I’ve never used it due to the cost mainly but would you consider this a viable alternative to endoscopy (obviously can’t biopsy the lesions with an Alicam). Finally, do you have a diagnostic preference for the full thickness biopsies one can do through a laparotomy, vs more superficial endoscopic biopsies.

    2. CPLI: I stopped running this test years ago after the study that showed it can be positive in all sorts of cases of GIT inflammation, not just pancreatitis. I was under the impression that ultrasound was the gold standard for pancreatitis diagnosis – will you be covering this in a future lecture?

    Thank you for your thoughts, looking forward to the next lecture πŸ™‚

    Magda Upton

    Hi Scott and everyone!

    Sorry for coming in late to the course. My name is Magda and I am a general practitioner from Australia who graduated in 2001. Gastro intestinal conditions are so common in primary care and I am looking forward to updating my knowledge in the area!! πŸ™‚

    Magda Upton

    Thanks Liz! Very helpful πŸ™‚

    Magda Upton

    Hi Liz! Thank you for a great lecture and the suggested readings ? I’ve got two questions if that’s OK: (1) you mentioned prophylactic antibiotic use for dentals in patients with SAS, what would be the protocol for this (I’m thinking intravenously during the dental procedure?). My understanding that it’s only needed when there is exposed endocardium, are there any other heart defects where you would consider it? (2) You mentioned measuring the BP to help interpret US findings, if there was systemic hypertension what would be your first choice of drug to treat it? (ACE inhibitor in dogs, atenolol in cats?). Thank you ! I would ask during the live Q&A tomorrow, but sadly I’ll be asleep as it will be 3am where I am ?

    Magda Upton

    Diffuse milliary interstitial pattern through the lungs. Ddx neoplasia, fungal. Liver seems small! Excessive body weight ?

    Magda Upton

    Hi everyone! Sorry I am late to the party. My name is Magda, I am a primary care vet from Australia. I am really enjoying the course so far, and like you Kerida I am also a bit of a vintage vet and really need to brush up on my cardiology. I learnt so many little tips and tricks just from the first lecture, and I am really looking forward to the rest!! Cheers πŸ™‚

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)