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Magda Upton

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  • Magda Upton

    Replying to scott@vtx-cpd.com 02/01/2024 - 17:49

    Thanks Scott! Happy New Year! I don’t really know any different than Christmas in the sun! 😅 January is my absolute favourite month of the year, it’s hot, everyone is relaxed and the kids are on their summer break. I’ve heard that January is many people’s least favourite month in the Northern hemisphere. Probably like my July/Aug here 😅

    I’m looking forward to getting on board with this course!! ☺️ xx

    Magda Upton

    Replying to Georgina F. 04/01/2024 - 12:03

    Thank you Georgina! ☺️

    Magda Upton

    Oh my gosh, poor pup! Happy to hear there was a good outcome ☺️

    Magda Upton

    Thanks Scott, great reminder. I never use it in cats, just too scared. I reach for the Veraflox liquid (Pradofloxacin) in cats if I need a fluoroquinolone, great to read that the study showed no retinal damage at 6-10 x the dose, it’s only one study but comforting none the less. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and doing the hard work of interpreting the journals for us ☺️

    Magda Upton

    Thanks Scott. Such an important topic. I’ve really cut down my use of metronidazole, I was using a lot less anyway and since your GI course I almost never reach for it now! Really proud of this. I think it really helps to have good commercial products available like Pro Kolin paste and GI diets ☺️

    Magda Upton

    Hi Georgina! Could you please comment on the anti protease activity of oral doxycycline when treating melting ulcers ? ☺️

    Magda Upton

    Hi Scott and Georgina! I’m sorry to be so late to the party, I’ve just managed to start the course and wanted to pop on here and say hello. I’m a GP vet from Western Australia and very excited for this course, to help improve my eye skills. All the VTX courses I’ve done have been amazing and I am sure this will be just as good ☺️

    Magda Upton

    Hi Scott!

    Just one final question about PPI’s. Is there any evidence for use of PPI’s after gastrotomy surgery, with the theory being that a more neutral stomach pH helps the stomach to heal, and also for GDV’s, where the stomach wall has been compromised?

    Thank you!

    Magda Upton

    Thanks Scott, very interesting. I think I would supplement in this case – even if it was with one or two injections rather than the full 6 week course of injections. Especially as it is a benign treatment that as far as we know, does not do any harm. I’ve definitely been reaching for the B12 frequently in recent years and especially after doing this course 🙂

    Magda Upton

    Very interesting topic – based on what you said, it sounds like it helps around half of patients and has the potential for not insignificant side effects. I was interested to hear what the FDA conditional approval entails as well. Hopefully by the time we see this in Australia there will be more or less evidence for it’s use.

    My daughter is called Sybil, it’s such a rare name these days that I still pinch myself when I hear of someone else sharing it 🙂

    Magda Upton

    Yes I would be highly suspicious of Addisons here. The symptoms, the lack of a stress response on CBC and that Na:K ratio is so low!

    To answer your question, the basal cortisol is a little elevated (but still less than 55) because the emergency centre gave dex the night before? However after ACTH stimulation there is hardly any elevation so I would call this Addisons.

    I guess if you wanted some extra evidence you could scan the abdomen, the adrenal glands would be teeny tiny, and you would also be able to rule out any concurrent abdominal disease.


    Magda Upton

    Thanks Scott, very interesting!

    Magda Upton

    So interesting! Thank you for sharing. I’d also be nervous to leave sharp objects in, but after reading this study I would be more confident to try, in the cost constrained but informed client.

    Magda Upton

    Hi Scott!

    Thanks for these two lectures, fantastic. I’ve always found faecal PCR results a bit useless/confusing so I don’t do it much, thank goodness these lectures have vindicated my thoughts and given me much better tools to approach these cases.

    A few questions:

    1. Fenbendazole. I jealously noted you seem to have granules where you are. Here we have liquid sheep drench, which is just awful to give, and Drontal tablets which contain the fenbendazole precursor febantel. Is the dose for febantel the same as fenbendazole, 50mg/kg SID for 5 days?

    2. Probiotics. I hadn’t heard of Vivomixx but a Google search has shown it is available here through pharmacies (for people). We stock Protexin Synbiotic, ProKolin and ProKolin Enterogenic which is what I usually reach for and am quite happy with it – is there very compelling evidence for Vivomixx/VSL#3 over the Protexin brands? It may seem frivolous but Protexin is easier to give a client something readily in the consult room rather than send them to try to find it themselves (only available in specific places so there may be lots of running around therefore decreased compliance) plus the Protexin products seem very palatable and even cats will eat the product sprinkled on their food, so I am reluctant to change unless it’s much more beneficial.

    3. I was fascinated to hear about FMT. I’m not sure I’ve heard of anyone doing it here. Can I ask how you do the retention enema – I assume you need to instill the faecal slurry while the dog/cat is sedated, would you then keep them sedated for a while so it doesn’t just trickle out as soon as the patient awakes? Do you just to it once, or multiple times? Interestingly I once had a hairdresser who had human ulcerative colitis and she did these weekly on herself – it seemed crazy to me at the time and was a bit too much information to be honest ha ha ha ha!!!

    Thanks, Magda

    Magda Upton

    This is great info Scott, thanks so much for including this – it was going to be one of my questions and you’ve answered it 🙂 I initially thought you that your Sir Francis case study was going to end up having Tritrichomonas, as the only cat I’ve ever treated with it was a Sphynx. It did not respond to ronidazole unfortunately and the cat was lost to follow up with the owner moving away. I feel better equipped to handle my next case 🙂

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