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austeja Zykute

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  • austeja Zykute

    I would suspect hypereosinophilic paraneoplastic syndrome. So abdominal ultrasound and chest xrays seems sensible next step.

    austeja Zykute

    Hello Scott,
    As always you make the best content and I am so happy I have found VTX community!
    I have a case of pemphigus foliaceous in a dog which is pretty severe so we started treating him with methylprednisolone as well as azathioprine combination. Since the doses are quite big the dog started having melena after a week of starting the treatment…
    I do not know how to help this dog. I started omeprazole in combination with the treatment for PF. Is there anything more I could do to help with melena?
    Thank you very much in advance!

    austeja Zykute

    It is nice to see that Fip treatment can be finally acquired legally. If thats okay I would like to ask which company is distributing the drug in the UK? I would like to see if there is any possibility getting it in Lithuania as well. Right now clients have to get it from black market here 🙁 . Thank you for the answer!

    austeja Zykute

    Replying to scott@vtx-cpd.com 02/08/2021 - 17:27

    Thank you for the link! I have seen your story on facebook administering remdesivir to a cat. Is it already approved in UK? I wonder if we can import it to Eu as well. Could you tell me the brand name and distributor if thats okay?

    austeja Zykute

    I encounter this once in a while as I am doing bloods and I am scared to miss if something is going on all the time. I have seen Idexx guide to hematology webinars by Dennis DeNicola and he says that reticulocitosis might mean that there is microloss of blood somehwere. He also mentioned this paper https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25488123/ which evaluates nsaids, oseoarthritis and reticulocytosis.

    austeja Zykute

    I have treated 7 cats with it and it really works wonders. Painful as hell though. And a lot of legal jungle. The medicines were ordered by the owner herself. I hope we will soon have legal option here in Lithuania as well. I cant access the link though. Could you post it again? Thanks!

    austeja Zykute

    Replying to scott@vtx-cpd.com 24/07/2021 - 18:38

    Thank you for the answers! this is the lecture I had in mind https://www.bsavalibrary.com/content/chapter/10.22233/9781913859008.Ch34 its around 10:40 time mark

    austeja Zykute

    I will post my questions here as well as there is not relevant thread for them yet.

    1. In recent Bsava 2021 congress webinar by Mike Willard on mucoceles he said he uses much higher doses of ursodeoxycholic acid for quicker resolvement. (around 50-70mgkg) What do you think about high doses when gall bladder sludge is apparent?

    2. What is your opinion on metranidasole and liver disease. Drug manual sais to use it with caution when the liver is affected, however, It is one of the drug that is used to treat cholecystitis? But those two problems go hand in hand usually.

    3. How do you decide when to cut the gallbladder out? Is severe thickening of the gall bladder wall and no resolvment with medical treatment warrant surgery?

    By the way I have some cases I would like to discuss, can I send the ultrasound pics/ blood work info on email or should I just write them up somewhere here?

    Thank you for the answers!

    austeja Zykute

    When I click on the links, I get reffered to google drive, however, it says that page is not found and to check the url.

    Also, If I have just random liver questions which are not right for the thread created can I still ask them? Also if I have questions related to the topic which is not covered yet should I wait or spill them right away?


    austeja Zykute


    My name is Austeja, I am a recent grad small animal vet from Lithuania. I had some pretty frustrating and sad liver cases recently and I decided to up my game more on this topic. I hope to learn more about management of chronic liver diseases and get more proactive treating them. 🙂

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