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Marge Chandler

Dr Marge Chandler is an independent consultant in small animal nutrition and internal medicine, Clinical Nutritionist for Vets-Now Referrals, Glasgow, and previously an Internal Medicine and Nutrition Specialist for Moorview Referrals in Newcastle and the Universities of Edinburgh and Liverpool. She has a BS from California State University, and a MS (Animal Nutrition) and DVM from Colorado State University (CSU). 

After several years in mixed practice, she did residencies in small animal medicine and clinical nutrition at CSU and Massey University, NZ. She is a diplomate of ACVIM (Small Animal Medicine and Nutrition), member of ANZCVS (SAM), Comparative Gastroenterology Society, and American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition, Chair of the FEDIAF Scientific Advisory Committee, and Co-Chair of the WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee.

M.L. Chandler, DVM, MS, MANZCVS, DACVIM (Small Animal Medicine and Nutrition), MRCVS