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Jon Hall

Jon was born into primary care practice and spent several years working as a small animal GP after graduating in 2004. He became an ECVS specialist in small animal surgery in 2015 and has worked at the RVC, the University of Cambridge and University of Edinburgh. He is a Professor in small animal surgery at the University of Nottingham, a Fellow of the Royal College and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He loves a good bit of surgery and being in a lucky position to help out colleagues with their surgical conundrums and through teaching. Jon has worked on call for his whole career and spent a few months working in a dedicated emergency clinic. He has been a lecturer and examiner on the BSAVA CertECC and helps train Vets Now graduates on practical approaches to emergency surgeries. These experiences mean that he can empathise with colleagues working sole charge OOH and those having to fit in emergencies either in their busy daily routine or through the night with work the following morning! Experiences that encourage a certain pragmatism.