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Episode 26 – An Ordinary Vet Doing Extraordinary Things

In this week’s podcast episodes we are honoured to be joined this week by Niall Connell, RCVS Senior Vice President and previous RCVS President. Niall qualified from Glasgow Vet School in 1982 and started in mixed, mainly small animal practice in Fife before joining PDSA in 1984. Niall took ill health retirement because of MS in December 2009. He now does some work as a Clinical & Professional Skills Instructor at Glasgow Vet School. We chat about his amazing career as well as some of the challenges that life throws in the way.


RCVS Diversity and Inclusion Group Strategy – Professionals


New Working Group on BAME veterinary student support holds first meeting – Professionals


VetGDP – overview of changes – Professionals



We are so pleased to be joined by Sophie (Zoetis) again in our clinical CPD segment as part of our dermatology take over month. This week we are chatting all things communication, with a particular focus on the dermatology consultation.


For a range of Dermatology CPD, visit the Learning Academy https://learn-uk.zoetis.com

For any questions around Zoetis products, contact customersupportUK@zoetis.com

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