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Episode 20 – Childhood Dreams, Comedy Clubs and Cats With Clots

In this week’s podcast episode we are excited to be joined this week by Judy, chatting about everything from childhood dreams to realistic career expectations. Judy Puddifoot has been a first opinion small animal vet for 6 years since graduating from the Royal Veterinary College in 2014 aged 37. She is passionate about raising clinical standards and improving animal welfare. She has also presented TV shows, enjoys writing articles and guesting on podcasts. Judy can be found on Twitter and Instagram as @JudyTheVet. Her Facebook page can be found here https://www.facebook.com/judythevet/


In our clinical CPD segment Scott and Liz chat about the management of aortic thromboembolism in cats. This is a really challenging and devastating condition. Have treatment options changed and is there really anything we can do?

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