Emergency Medicine in Action: Practical Techniques for Veterinary Nurses

This practical course offers veterinary nurses the opportunity to enhance their skills in managing prevalent medical emergencies encountered in small animal practice. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice, participants will learn essential techniques such as central line placement, nasal oxygen catheter placement, and other critical procedures. Clinical case examples will be used to improve decision-making skills, and delegates will have the chance to practice these techniques in a supportive learning environment.

The course is suitable for RVNs in both first opinion and referral practices, and it is also beneficial for those working towards a Nurse Certificate in Emergency and Critical Care. Course notes, refreshments, and lunch will be provided as well as access to pre-recorded webinar material to enhance the practical sessions. Delegate numbers will be capped at 12 to ensure an immersive experience.

Key takeaways include:

  • Enhance decision-making skills through the analysis of clinical case examples related to prevalent medical emergencies in small animal practice.
  • Enhance decision-making skills through the analysis of clinical case examples related to prevalent medical emergencies in small animal practice.
  • Acquire proficiency in vital emergency procedures including central line placement, nasal oxygen catheter placement, management of urinary catheters, faecal catheter placement, and placement of Freestyle Libre devices.
  • Develop competence in practical techniques such as suturing, wound management, and the assessment of wounds, including the selection of appropriate suture materials and techniques.


This cadaveric practical day will provide you with 14 hours of CPD (including 5 hours of pre-programme webinar content released prior to the practical day session).

(Discounts available for group bookings. Please contact us directly: info@vtx-cpd.com)

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Programme schedule





Lecture – Disastrous Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)


Scott Kilpatrick




Practical - Placement of central lines, Freestyle Libre devices and nasal oxygen catheter placement


Scott Kilpatrick & Ashley Wemple




Lecture – Ghastly Guts


Scott Kilpatrick


Practical - Placement of feeding tubes in emergency practice


Scott Kilpatrick & Ashley Wemple




Practical - Wonderful Wounds


Scott Kilpatrick


Q&A Session to end the day


Scott Kilpatrick & Ashley Wemple


Additional webinar lessons (watch from 08/07/2024)

Advanced surgical skills for RVN’s

Matteo Rossanese


Tubes, drains & catheters… Understanding the what, how and why?

Laura Jones


Wound management (Part 1)

Jon Hall


Wound management (Part 2)

Jon Hall


The Anorexic patient

Scott Kilpatrick


speaker biographies

Scott Kilpatrick

Director, Internal Medicine Specialist

Scott graduated from Edinburgh Vet School in 2007. Initially, he worked for the PDSA, before taking a Senior Veterinary Surgeon position with Vets Now in Edinburgh in 2010. Scott started his residency in internal medicine at the University of Edinburgh in 2012 after completing a year as a Teaching Fellow in Anatomy and Physiology. He completed his residency in 2016 after finishing his Masters in the pathogenesis of canine liver disease and has since been working in referral practice. Interventional radiology is something that really interests Scott, and he spent some time in 2018, working in this area at UC Davis in California. Scott has created and delivered a Post-graduate Certificate in Small Animal Emergency Medicine in association with the University of Chester. In 2023 he was awarded Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (FRCVS) for his meritorious contribution to clinical practice.

Ashley Wemple


Ashley grew up in a small town in rural North Carolina. From there she moved to a slightly bigger part of the state to go to university at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC where I  studied animal science and obtained a bachelors degree in that field in 2003. While studying, I started working nights at an ECC veterinary hospital and I developed a passion for ECC nursing and teaching. I moved to the UK in 2008 to take a job as an ECC nurse at Vets Now Gateshead and have been there ever since (currently as Principal Nurse Manager).  I earned my CertVNECC in 2010 and continue to tutor for that program, as well as other teaching and mentoring for IVC, Vets Now and the veterinary thought exchange.

ticket prices

Ticket Price
Emergency Medicine RVN Event Ticket £550 purchase ticket

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