Ferran Valls Sanchez - Veterinary Thought Exchange
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Ferran Valls Sanchez

Ferran graduated from UAB (Spain) in 2011 which was followed by 2 rotating internships (Anicura Ars veterinaria, Spain, and Animal Health Trust, UK. He completed his internal medicine residency at DWR; followed by 4 years of clinical work and was the Head of the service until July 2023.

Ferran is a European veterinary internal medicine specialist (ECVIM college) and RCVS small animal internal medicine specialist since 2019, and has a particular interest in gastroenterology, nasal disease and haematology. Ferran also really enjoys all types of endoscopy and teaching. He is also the Associate professor master in small animal medicine by Universistat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).

His new adventure is FVSmedicine which he founded in October with the goal to bring internal medicine specialist care to first opinion practices.