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Episode 54 – Leading Change

In this week’s podcast episode we are talking to the incredible Helen Silver-MacMahon and Cat Auden from VetLed. We have recorded this special episode ahead of the VetLed 2023 Veterinary Human Factors Conference. We hear a lot of voices in our profession calling for change of all sorts.  Maybe you are too…but how do we really do that? How can we improve things for the long-term, and not just apply ‘sticking plasters’ to problems? Hopefully this episode will help in starting to answer some of these questions! At VetLed the team passionately believe that taking a Human Factors approach to change in veterinary practice will make a fundamental difference to both the patients under our care… and the people delivering that care.


The jam-packed online two day-conference schedule features nearly 24 hours of cutting-edge CPD, and over 40 speakers with a range of diverse and highly interactive sessions from panels, discussions, lectures, key-note sessions, TED-style talks, and abstract presentations and networking:



In our clinical CPD segment this week we continue a discussion about leptospirosis with our very own Scott. This week we chat about the diagnosis and treatment of this challenging condition.

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